“Hence why I was forced to step in.” Taking a half beat to grab a pair of jeans, Nigel did us both a favor by dressing quickly and kneeling back down in front of me.

“So...” I trailed, lips rising, “what’s Grams got on you that forced you into a life of servitude?”

Nigel’s smile grew wicked. “Best not to say. I’m told guys are more attractive when there’s a bit of mystery to them.”

He wanted to be attractive to me? It was hard to swoon with a head injury, but I managed it just fine.

Nigel looked out to where the battle had taken place, and then back to where I was injured. “Let’s get you home. I’m going to be in trouble as it is. Someone surprised me by playing hero.”

Giggling, I nodded. “Bet you never expected I’d drag you and shove you into the car.”

“Not how I fantasized it happening, no.”

“I’ll put in a good word,” I snarked, grinning at him. “You really did save me.”

“I may have been the reason you were injured in the first place.”

“Taking all the credit? Greedy. Come to think of it, why did you call out to me?” I asked, finally realizing that if he was charged to watch from the shadows, calling out to me was certainly not how one stayed invisible.

Nigel took a long moment, then smiled in a way that put heat into my face. “Guess I just decided it was time.”

“Time?” I asked, searching his expression with interest. “Time for what?”

“For the girl I like to finally notice me.”

Even with a head injury, I blushed with a radiance befitting the sun itself.

Without another word, Nigel slipped into the driver’s seat and turned on the ignition. With a bright beam of lights, we headed back the direction we came.

It was only for a moment, but I genuinely breathed a thankful sigh. I’d come close to dying, but thanks to the help of a surprising new beast buddy, I’d live to fight another day. And maybe, just maybe, I’d even gotten myself a real, honest-to-goodness boyfriend in the process.

For the first time in my life, I was grateful to be born a vampire hunter.


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