Topher’s warning growl cut through the sound between us. “This is ridiculous. Let’s go before we cause more of a scene.”


A deep voice was suddenly beside me, and I looked over to find Phillip standing there, dressed in his usual garb for school, but with a look I’d only seen one other time on his face. It was the same one he offered Anita when he questioned her.

“Did you really bring your beta to talk to her, or are you here to force her hand?”

Nigel’s face twisted into an expression not at all like him. “I would never hurt V. Topher insisted on being here. I only wanted to talk to her for a second. It has nothing to do with you.”

“Oh, but it does,” Phillip responded coolly, even when Topher’s chest rumbled violently. “Whether or not you like it, I’m her partner. It’s my job to make sure she’s safe.” The vampire hunter’s eyes narrowed on Topher. “Andhedoesn’t seem friendly at all.”

“Topher,” Nigel said so deeply it registered more as a growl. “Stand down.”

Topher rolled the tension from his shoulders. “This isn’t the right place to talk it out. You should’ve listened when I said to leave it. She’s clearly not interested in being with you. I don’t get why you keep trying to make her see reason when she’s got nothing but mean things to say.”

“The words of a bitter man, if you ask me,” Phillip commented offhandedly.

Nigel’s jaw visibly strained. “Don’t talk about her like that, Topher.” Then my ex-boyfriend’s gleaming eyes connected with mine. “We need to talk about this. I’m not going to stop until we do. I need an explanation.”

My heart suffered under his intense, pleading stare. “It’s not going to change anything, but I’ll talk to you.”

He sighed a thankful breath. “Meet me at our spot after school. I’ll wait as long as it takes for you to get there.”

And then he was gone, moving so fast that no human would be able to see him leave. I tracked his escape all the way down the street, until he disappeared around the corner.


“I’ll come with you,” Phillip said when I didn’t move, staring absently the direction Nigel fled. “If this is what you want, I won’t let you do it alone.”

Sighing, I smiled to keep from crying. “It’s fine. I think if you come with me, it’ll just make everything worse. I can handle this much.”

“You’re still being watched. I don’t want you going anywhere alone for the time being. Not when your abilities still haven’t reached their full potential. But we may need to depart sooner for many reasons.” Phillip touched my shoulder before his hand dropped out of sight and he walked ahead.

I scanned the area for other students, catching sight of Cici and her friends.

That’s not good.

And when their hushed whispers reached my ears, it was clear we’d been seen. The rumor mill was a vicious beast, and the day would no doubt suck now that our interaction was witnessed by someone like Cici.