If I survived him tonight, I’d survive anything. Something told me tonight would be the ultimate test—and one I better not fail.


PHILLIP DIDN’T EVENtake me to a store. He’d already bought something, and the damn thing fit like a glove. The ensemble was a low-dipping burgundy blouse tucked into a glossy pair of leather pants with classy silver stilettos to finish the look; shoes that would definitely break my ankle if not for my incredible agility.

How had he even gotten my measurements?

I was afraid to ask, because it was likely he’d measured me at some point with his hands, and that did things to my body I’d rather not say.

Fixing my top, I adjusted my cleavage so it wasn’t left exposed with the push-up bra I’d been forced to wear. But nothing really helped. The heels clicked along the sidewalk as Phillip dragged me forward, our fingers interlocked. Even in several-inch heels, I was still barely reaching the Austrian’s shoulder.

How damn tall was this dude?

“You still haven’t told me where we’re going,” I complained, fighting the unnatural feeling of so much skin out for the world to see. “And why am I dressed like we’re about to partake in sex club activities? I swear to Christ if you brought me here to teach me how to use my body, I’ll kick you in the balls and steal your car so you can walk home.”

“That’s oddly specific.” Phillip caught my gaze from over his shoulder, the side of his mouth lifted sarcastically. “But I really do like it when you’re feisty. It’ll make for an interesting night.”

The gorgeous bad boy slid fingers into his hair. “We’re going to a normal club to get intel on what might be hunting down your classmates, so don’t get your knickers in a twist. Two kids are missing. With how small this city is, it’s only a matter of time before people start to freak out.”

“Another vampire?”

“Could be,” he responded dubiously. “Could be a lot of things.”

My brow knitted together, lips pursed. “What else could it be?”

His eyes flicked away before he slowed. Checking the area around us, which was trafficked by mostly inebriated club-goers and bar attendees, Phillip moved closer. His fingers tangled inside my hair, sweeping it up and fixing parts of my updo that had come loose. Then he nodded to a narrow walkway nearby.

“Let’s not talk out in the open, hmm?”

I eyed the narrow pathway, then my asshole of a partner. “I’d rather it not be there, for many reasons.”

“Afraid you might attack me, in more ways than one?” His comment was meant to get a rise out of me, and sadly it did.

Swatting his hand away from my hair, I denied the insinuation with open distaste. “I just wished you’d say more about these things instead of talking like this is some kind of murder mystery and not our damn job. How am I supposed to learn or even help if you don’t tell me things before we actually get here?”

His smile disappeared for a second. “That’s fair. I guess I’m just used to clever counterparts who don’t need everything spelled out for them.”

What a fucking bastard.

“I imagine previous partners were also fully trained Hunters,” I clapped back, frustration tainting my voice. “I won’t apologize for my lack of experience. I can’t change the fact that I’m still green around the gills, and I also won’t pretend that you’re not a total ass for making me think I have anything to be sorry about.”

When people started to slow, clearly worried about me, I took Phillip by the wrist and dragged him to the area he initially suggested. I was met with a flirtatious smile I didn’t have the time or patience to address.

“Also, don’t you think it might be a bad idea for a supposed Biology teacher and his student to be out together at a club? For as smart as you claim to be, you don’t think very far ahead.”

“It’s part of the plan,” he remarked, tucking stray hair behind my ear. “And I promise that I’ve thought about all of it. Besides, what do I care? I’m already a problem to the principal. There’s rumors.”

Surprised to hear it, I asked, “Rumors?”

“About you and I. The principal has already warned me not to be alone with you. But I do appreciate a good scandal. Teacher and student, what an exhilarating romance. And in a short few weeks, you’ll be eighteen and it won’t be illegal. It’s not really illegal since the age of consent is sixteen in most states with guardian permission, which Rose will give.”

Leave it to the gross pervert to have the legalities surrounding an older man and high school girl memorized and well researched.

“Hold up,” I demanded, backtracking. “There are rumors about us? What kind of rumors?”

“Thought you’d figure that much out on your own.”

I gritted my teeth, catching the stray gaze of a few people on the sidewalk looking our direction. No matter how much distance I kept between us, it still looked illicit.