Jumping back, I managed to avoid the splash zone.

No goblin goo for this chick!

Before I could shout out in victory about our clean kill, three shadows met my sideways glance and the feeling in the air intensified. One only needed to guess they were all likely Shadow Goblins. Unless we’d attracted another kind of shadow-like foe.

I seriously hoped not.

“Phil,” I whispered, arms up with both the light stick and 12-inch dagger.

“Guess we found the location,” the other Hunter mused softly. Phillip was beside me, sword at the ready. “No time like the present. Ready?”

“Ready?” I repeated, gripping my dagger tighter as one snarled and stepped closer.

“We’re about to see how good your abilities are. Don’t get decapitated, partner.”

“You’re a serious hoot,” I hissed back.

But then the three became twelve, and both Phil and I cursed.

Well, shit.


Goblin Goo

TIME MOVED DIFFERENTLYfor us. What would be a minute or two to a human ran more like twenty to thirty minutes to Phil and I as we battled together to overcome so many goblins hoping to sink their claws into us.

With so many of them, neither one of us had time to pair up together. It was a free for all, and Phil’s earlier sarcastic taunt proved a hell of a lot less funny the longer we fought.

I might really get decapitated at this rate.

“It’s close,” Phillip cried out over a downward swing of his blade. “They’re growing in number. The entrance has to be nearby for this many to be here together.”

“Lucky us,” I grumbled, dodging down and throwing a kick into a goblin whose translucent sword nearly reached my throat. “It’s a lot more than twelve now.”

Phillip swooped around in a circle, somehow decapitating three Shadow Goblins, whose spray I barely sidestepped. He somersaulted and avoided the reach of the burst. With surprising grace and agility, he landed close to where I was crouched and grabbed me around the waist, tugging me out of the path of another swiping weapon.