After his kiss, I still hadn’t a clue what I wanted. No, in actuality, I wanted a reason to let loose with him.

A little liquid courage would give me the pluck I needed to feel this thing out between us. Or maybe I was just desperate to feel something other than intense pressure on my shoulders from a future left dire and uncertain when I discovered I was a perfect genetic mutation. But really, I just wanted to feel more like myself and less like a ticking time bomb. I needed to feel normal again.

Just for tonight, I’d live as a stupid teenager.

“Does it matter?”

Phillip stole a glance at me before pulling into the house driveway. Then he shut off the car and pivoted my direction. “Is this about the kiss earlier?”

I instantly reacted, spine straightening. “No—”

“I don’t regret it,” he said, voice dropping. “I want to do it again, and I’m not a nice guy like Nigel. I’ll take advantage if you’re drunk.”

I didn’t believe him.

I swallowed, body already shaking but from what, I couldn’t be certain. “If you really weren’t a good guy, you wouldn’t warn me about it beforehand. You’d just do it.”

Phillip laughed huskily and carded thick fingers roughly through his hair. “I guess that’s true.”

“I’m not afraid of what you’d do to me,” I admitted in a whisper, flushing. “Besides, you’ve never hesitated before.”

Phillip scraped fingers along his jaw, visibly thinking. “There’s plenty of time for you to try things out in the future. You don’t need to rush anything.” His chest tautened under his thin shirt. “You’re young, and the last few weeks have been...eventful. It’s easy to be swept up in emotions and—”

“Is that a no, then?” I asked, trying not to sound disappointed but doing a poor job of it. “Is it because I’m still not eighteen? You didn’t strike me as the type to be bothered by that.”

I internally berated my thoughtlessness.

Yeah, V. Go ahead and insult the dude you’re trying to seduce.

“No offense,” I added lamely.

Phillip groaned and threw his head back, jaw working. The arch of his neck made my mouth water. “Don’t tempt me, V. I’m the last person you should test.” He palmed his face. “You have no idea what goes through my head around you, and you’re not ready for it. You think you are, but you’re not.”

Goes through his head?

My heart pounded and my face was already uncomfortably hot. “So, a no.”

Why did it bother me so much that he’d say no? Anyone in their right mind would reject such a random-ass proposition. He may have teased me, but given the circumstances, his response made sense.

After spending time with him, Phillip wasn’t as inconsiderate as he first appeared. In fact, I was almost confident it was because he cared so much he did the things he did. Phillip, no matter what he did to pretend otherwise, was a good guy at the end of the day. He may say a lot of things and be a real jerk about it, but he’d never do anything to hurt me.

Still, the pain of rejection immediately settled inside my chest and burned the length of my throat. It was excruciating. I should’ve been prepared for him to say no, but I wasn’t. And that was exactly how I knew I needed it so bad.

Neededhimso bad.

“If you’re really sure, I’ll give you the serum. I’ll even call our bet a draw. I only ask that you take advantage of this moment and do everything you want tonight.” The older Hunter’s words carried weight. “And I’ll be taking the serum with you.”

Astonished, I stared at him. “Isn’t that a bad idea? Won’t that leave us open to attack?”

Sadly, I couldn’t hide my relief when he agreed.

Phillip brushed my cheek with his knuckles. “It’s not the smartest plan, no. It doesn’t last long. Maybe a couple hours if we’re lucky. But that works in our favor in this case. If you’re doing it to feel something, so will I.”

I wasn’t sure what he meant, but I nodded, the spark of his touch softening my voice. “I’d like to get a piercing. Maybe two.”

“Where?” His gravelly voice dropped out and his fingers traced a line down my neck. “If we heal it before the serum fades, you can pierce anything anywhere. I’ve learned a few things over the years. You’re in luck. I know how to pierce things. Well, other than our foes.”

I laughed, the sound wispy. “Not terribly comforting, that.”