My eyes narrowed.

And here I am just trying to be grateful, the ass.

His happy grin only agitated me more. “Just like that. Don’t bother pretending you’re some considerate person. Just do what comes natural to you. We’re partners no matter what.”

“God, you’re such a jerk!”

Phillip shrugged, not the least bit bothered. “I’ve never once argued I wasn’t.”

Shaking my head with a sigh, I cradled the letter from Grams and watched the familiar scenery pass through the car window.


Part of The Pack


I know you’re mad. I didn’t explain much before leaving, but in time you’ll understand. Mind your manners. Don’t give Phillip a hard time. Remember your training.

Never stop being who I raised you to be. Never settle for anything less than what you deserve. Smile, laugh, live, love, and never forget I cherished every moment I got to be your grandmother.

You’re the same strong woman your mother was, and you’ll take on this world the way she did. You’ll do everything you were meant to do, and I’ll always be proud of you.

I love you with all my heart.


I stared at the letter, hot tears making pathways down my cheeks. No matter how I read it, the way Grams wrote it sounded like she wasn’t coming back. Pain seared into my throat when I thought Grams left with the intention of never returning.

Did she think she’d die?

Legs crossed over, I slouched on the guest room bed, head an utter mess. But I only permitted that single moment. A second later, I neatly folded the letter and returned it to the envelope.

Like my life wasn’t imploding. Like I didn’t want to scream and shout and curse the woman who never did anything the normal way. Not once. Not now and very likely not ever.

She could’ve at least given me a hug or something.