Before Phillip could interject, I spoke up, “Phillip doesn’t have anything to do with why I decided this. I can’t be with anyone right now. There’s a reason, but I need you to understand that this is what I need right now.”

Topher’s jaw worked and Nigel went silent, clearly not expecting the confident resolve in my stare. Then Phillip crossed his arms over his chest and offered the two a stern look.

“Either take it or leave it,” came his low rumble of a warning, and I closed my eyes to temper my nerves. “If I had it my way, we’d part ways here. But V insists on keeping you in her life. Be grateful I value her enough to make the exception.”

“You’re a fucking—” Topher started.

“I got it,” Nigel cut in, silencing Topher with one look. “If that’s what you want, then I can only respect your decision. I’d rather be by your side as a friend than to never see you again.”


My heart ached in my chest, but I kept the pain from my face. “It is. Phillip is going to talk to the Organization. A Shadow Goblin killed two people in the city the other day, and Phillip is currently locating their nest. We’ll need help if you can convince your pack to join us.”

“A Shadow Goblin?” Nigel asked, the sadness in his eyes already gone. “Here?”

Phillip brushed back his hair and eyed Topher, who seemed just as astounded by the information as Nigel. “Yes. If there’s one—”

“There will be more,” Topher finished, his lips downturned. “Nigel, I’ll talk to the pack. We’ll locate the nest faster than a pair of Hunters would.” Topher stared at Phillip, scorn in his stare.

Phillip’s lips rose derisively. “Whatever helps you sleep better at night. Do whatever you want. We’re all out here to do the same thing, and it doesn’t really matter to me who does it first.”

The air grew stagnant, and Nigel’s stare was weighty enough that I wanted to flee its reach. It was better than the original idea to cut him off, but now I was forced to deal with all the awkward fucking silence.

Most people didn’t stay friends after a break-up. With as many unresolved feelings as I had for Nigel, and he very likely had for me, it probably wasn’t a great idea to stay around him. Worse when you added Phillip and my less-than-subtle attraction to him to the mix.

Shit. What did I just sign myself up for?

Phillip’s eyes were on me as I internally berated my thoughtless actions. “You okay over there?”

“Just sort of regretting some of my life choices. I’ll be fine,” I grumbled.

Nigel cleared his throat and hesitantly took a step towards me. “Can we maybe meet up alone sometime? It’s not ideal for me to leave everything like this, and I’m not terribly comfortable with an audience.”

I sensed the other Hunter’s eyes on me, but nodded at Nigel all the same. “It’s not clear how long we’ll stay here, but I’m down for a cup of coffee with you.”

“Are you comfortable with me returning to the school?”

Having not expected to be asked, I slow-nodded in confusion. “I mean, I don’t really see a problem with it. Graduation is a month away.”

“Neither do I,” Phillip added, but his tone made me wonder if maybe the Austrian wasn’t totally loving the idea. “If you’re satisfied, we’ll take our leave. I’ll contact you later with details. Anything you discover in the meantime, you can reach me through V.”

Nigel’s chest visibly strained. “It’s not like you guys will always be together, so it’s better to get your number just in case.”

Phillip’s grin was outright criminal. “Rose has asked that V stay with me while she’s away. I’ve agreed. So, forgive me for correcting you, but shewillbe with me at all times.”

Fucking news to me.

“Say what?!” I questioned before Phillip took me by the wrist and dragged me the other direction.

Nigel’s low growl rumbled through the air alongside Topher’s, but I barely heard it. Instead, I was hellbent on getting answers from the Austrian as he led me back to the muscle car he’d obnoxiously painted mustard-yellow.

“Care to explain?”

Phillip shrugged with a little smile. “Rose was called away on a mission. We’re not sure how long it’ll take. May take a couple weeks, maybe months. Because your upcoming graduation, she didn’t want you to relocate so soon. She thought it’d be easier to sign over temporary guardianship since you’re still not an adult. Well, not for another couple weeks, anyway.”

Yeah, I was less and less excited about turning eighteen now with an entire world on my shoulders. Sort of put a downer on adulthood when I didn’t age and I was very likely to spend the rest of my eternal life a spinster.

The dark-haired Austrian’s eyes sparkled happily, and I didn’t exactly know what to make of that look.