His eyes glistened with amusement. “Very clever.”

“So a call to whom, his dealer?”

Phillip’s laughing smile greeted my sarcastic remark. “Humans bent on becoming vampires are willing to do just about anything to reach that end, and I think whoever he’s reporting to has their sights set on you.”

Made sense.

Most Hunters ended up targets for vampire covens at some stage.

We didn’t fear death, and we played the game well enough to evade it for years. But being a Hunter was really just living life on borrowed time. We fought for as long as we could, and we didn’t fear the day our number was up. Very few made it to retirement like Grams. Very few made it to top-brass.

I didn’t have expectations about my future, and that was part of the reason I didn’t push harder with Nigel.

From what I knew, werewolves had longer lifespans than humans. Hunters were like humans when it came to lifespan. With a week to think it all over, our relationship made less sense. And before that night when Nigel saved my ass, I never even dreamed of being part of a mutual love.

Maybe it was for the best Nigel left me that night and cut off all communication. Maybe the relationship was doomed from the start.

“V, where did you go?”

Brow knitted together, I lifted glaring eyes to the Austrian, only to find him utterly amused. “Do you even care?”

Phillip pressed a hand to his vest-covered torso, the fabric seamlessly fitted over an expensive red dress shirt. “I do. We’re partners. It’s about time you start recognizing that.”

“I’ve come to terms with my unfortunate luck, yeah,” I rebutted coolly, walking around him so I wasn’t pinned to a desk with his heat and scent overwhelming my senses. “But no one said I had to be happy about it.”

Phillip’s face lit up with childlike delight. “Fair enough.” He followed after me as I continued to collect the microscopes, determined not to look back because my heart would surely betray me if I did. “So, I’ll pick you up around, say, seven for our night out together?”

“Please rephrase. It sounds like you’re asking me out on a date, and we’re still at school.”

Eyes already aimed at the door, my heart raced in a way that suggested it wasn’t out of fear but excitement that I worried we’d be heard. I really was doomed. I silently rued my teenage hormones and their effect on a poor girl’s mind.

Before Nigel and Phillip, I never suffered like this. I didn’t even think I had the makings of a sexual being. I thought fighting vampires was enough to get the blood pumping.

But not anymore.

Now I was just some sex-starved virgin who spent all day wondering what a certain faux-teacher’s skin felt like to touch. Or if his lips were really as soft as they looked. Or if his hands would wrap around my neck the same way they did his own. All while I battled my feelings for a boyfriend I couldn’t have, who easily abandoned me the minute it got difficult to stay.


“It could be a date, if you want—”

“That’s not funny,” I interrupted angrily, walking a few steps to close the classroom door. “Nigel—”

“Left. He left you, and I doubt he’ll come back anytime soon,” Phillip cut in with ruthless precision.

“Let’s just focus on getting this shit done so I can go home and maybe relax before I’m forced to stay up all night again.”

I didn’t want to admit that his words had already cut pretty deep. I wouldn’t acknowledge how he’d vocalized my internal worries. Something told me Phillip did everything to get a rise out of me, and I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. I wouldn’t be rattled.

Not today.

Not ever.