Page 117 of V for Vampire Hunter


It was evident he derailed, and I didn’t have it in me to chase after whatever Phillip kept to himself. So, I flicked my gaze back down to the book in my hands, sweeping my palm across its cover. “Any other personally addressed novels in this bookcase?”

“Loads,” he retorted happily.

I eyed the man skeptically. “Were they clever enough to evade your advances?”

“Jane was one of very few, so no.”

Throat on fire, I huffed a petulant sigh. “Knew you’d be a several-century-long Lothario, but hadn’t pegged you as the type to keep a home full of trophies,” I spat angrily. Angry at myself mostly.

You knew he’s a player, V. You knew better than anyone else. Why are you getting heated over a bookcase full of past sex partners?

“What, you jelly?”

I rolled my eyes and tried to hide how he’d been spot on. “No one, and I repeatno onesays that, Phil. Are you trying to get smacked tonight?”

“Maybe a little,” he mused seductively, his hand rubbing over the tattoos on his neck. “Can’t pretend I’m not interested if you’re the one offering.”

“Ugh, gross,” I complained.

“Wait, you say jelly all the time.”

I grinned to myself. “Unlike you, I’m a teenage girl and can use it ironically. You just sound like a gross old man.”

“Thought you didn’t want me to treat you like a kid?”

I was going to murder this dude by the end of the night.

“Shut it.”

“Or you’ll spank me? I’m game.”

“I seriously can’t with you,” I whined, not at all entertained.

Phillip’s laughter rang out as I spitefully but very carefully returned the book to its spot. After a sideways glance, I turned away and checked out the rest of the room. He trailed me until I’d done a thorough once-over, and then things went quiet between us.

For obvious reasons, we hadn’t discussed what happened with Cassius or what we learned. It wasn’t safe to mention it in public. But now that we were safely tucked away in his well-protected home, I didn’t have any reason not to revisit the conversation. But I really didn’t want to. Things had finally settled down between us. I wasn’t angry at him anymore. I mean, not really. Even if I was, Phillip was one of few allies, and I couldn’t squander what few people I had in my life right now.

I needed him.

No, you want him.

I brushed back stray red hair and collapsed onto the sofa, not ready to delve any deeper into my feelings for Phillip when I had enough to think about.

Phillip took a seat next to me, twisting at the waist. “What’re you thinking about over there, sparky?”

“I’ll warn you to never call me that again,” I grumbled, irritated by the way my stomach fluttered every time he was near. “I’m just, you know, unwinding from a shitty few months.”

“I can suggest a few ways to help,” he whispered provocatively, his long fingers gently brushing the side of my face. “If you’re willing, that is. We have some time.”

Eyes straying over to the man beside me, I crossed my arms over my chest and tried to hide the fast beat of my heart. “So you can add me to your bookcase? No thanks.”

The Austrian’s husky laughter tickled my face as he leaned close, hand smoothing across my stomach intimately. “So, it did bother you.”

“Oh, get over yourself, Phil. Not everyone is obsessed with you.”

But I was.