Page 85 of Lady of Hell & Fury

“You’re up?” a gruff voice laced with sleepiness asked.

Please don’t be a naked angel…

I turned my head and caught sight of Fable in all his glorious but incredibly obnoxious nude beauty, the heavens raining down on him through a slit in the curtains like he hadn’t betrayed them only a night ago.

God-fucking-dammit Drunk Lady!

Fuck wasn’t a strong enough word for this moment.

Hoping I wasn’t just as naked, I peered down under the sheets where a pointlessly large tattooed arm was wrapped around my bare stomach. I silently warded off alcohol forever the minute my unclothed body met my seeking gaze.

Stupid me thought I’d be better off with two of them partaking in the afterparty no one planned—a mistake I wouldn’t make again, that was for fucking certain. I’d even invited that one blonde angel chick who cursed like a sailor and punished Fable so gorgeously it veered on art. But she said something about “pressing angel business” before she and her group of equally beautiful people disappeared after getting us back home.

Well, Fable’s home.

He insisted we come here instead of Nova’s luxury estate because “rich people make horrible party guests.” Something I didn’t necessarily disagree with.

I’d killed the bitch, and I thought that would be the end of my story. But it wasn’t. Go figure I’d have to keep up this nonsense gig now that I was basically the only person capable of bringing balance back.

I didn’t want the job, but a very small part of me was excited to do it with Nova and Fable. I’d never admit it to them, but I was relieved when they both lived through it. I certainly didn’t expect to, and I rarely got my happily ever after.

Happily, bloodily ever after…

Still, how did I end up in Fable’s bed naked and throbbing between my legs? That monster cock was a certifiable weapon, and it’d battered my body hard enough that I couldn’t pretend I’d tossed off my clothes and shared an innocent night with the angel.

It wasn’t that I felt guilty. I might admittedly love Nova, but I refused to be tied down to any single person. I did what I wanted when I wanted. Except, this was the second time I drunk-attacked the angel, and I was seriously worried it was becoming our thing.

Weren’t angels supposed to be morally sound? Sleeping with a woman who was clearly drunk—her inhibitions shot and consent practically nonexistent—had to break some kind of upstanding angel code.

I glared at the obnoxiously gorgeous man next to me, just sorry I didn’t have my bat nearby to greet himand the dayproperly. I’d settled for a pinch.

Fable’s raspy chuckle got him pinched for a second time under the sheets, this one on his nipple, but I’d forgotten what kind of masochist I was dealing with. “Keep touching me like that Lady and I might think you want a morning round…”

Lucky for this overstepping, ridiculously attractive angel, my head was throbbing way too hard to finish what I started by bringing the hell and fury I, Lady, was known for. Instead, I was forced to grab my thundering head with a moan.

Sitting up, Fable hovered over me with his luscious lips slanted. “You’re a wild angel slayer, Lady.”

“Shut it, Mood Wings. Waking up to this is punishment enough,” I grumbled before the pain in my head eased away thanks to those talented hands—hands I now blamed for everything that led me to this bed again. “Is Nova…?”

Fable’s look was full of mischief, and a love tap with my bat was in his immediate future if he didn’t start talking. “Probably off somewhere pretending I didn’t win last night.”

Rolling my eyes, I tried to get out of bed, but the asshole yanked me over to him and I fell onto his chest. “Fable—”

“We cross over to Hell today. We have to or everything was for nothing. Nova knows that better than anyone. I think that sorry bastard puts on a good face when it comes to you, but he’s worried,” the angel said out of nowhere.

I tensed, eyes taking a sweeping path from Fable’s face to the place I’d marked him on his pec. “Doesn’t he know that’s pointless with me? I’ve been a walking target since I could remember. Nothing’s changed.”

The angel’s hands skated from my shoulders to my hips. “He’s a little protective, but I’m starting to get what that’s all about myself.” Fire burned in Fable’s amber eyes when I finally looked up at him. “I’d burn the world to the ground just to keep you happy and lashing out at me with that witty tongue of yours.” Rolling us over, Fable settled between my legs, reviving all those sexy feelings I refused to acknowledge.

If I rubbed myself on him or gave in even the tiniest bit, it was game over. I could kiss pretending I didn’t like everything he did to my body those two nights goodbye.

It was purely on denial alone I’d kept myself away from the angel, and the slide of his hips, the feeling of his hardening cock against my naked flesh…well, I was certain it showed on my face how much I wanted him by now. The sparkle in his angel eyes told me Fable knew, but he’d let me pretend for however long it took to admit I liked this—whatever the fuckthiswas.

“Can’t even be mad anymore about what made that asshole fall. Not after last night. Because I went and pulled a Nova myself with this beautiful creature underneath me.”

I sighed, put out and ready to bail.

The sly bastard stole a kiss before I got my head working and shoved him off. Dressing, I eyed Fable with reproach. “Last night was—”