Page 83 of Lady of Hell & Fury

Shaking away the confusion, I sat up and discovered my favorite bat on the floor next to me. Nova and Fable were on both sides of me, unconscious. Someone was shouting outside, and I collected my bat before getting to my feet. I didn’t stumble, which was a plus, but it was evident whatever battle was taking place outside, it wasn’t going well. I stole a look at both motionless assholes before breaking out at a run to get to where the action was.

I’d broken through the bitch’s dream, but apparently hadn’t fucked her shit up yet.

When I exited the decrepit cathedral through a set of large double doors, I turned the corner to find five angels with their wings in various stages of color, forming a circle around Lucifer who was already on the ground.

MaybeI hadfucked her shit up. She’d gotten captured. It was clear by the black marking on her face that her fear dream backfired on her. Or so I wanted to believe since I got stabbed painfully to make it happen.

One angel looked over, confused at first, but then she beckoned me with a head jerk. “We need you,” she screamed.

The rest of the angels around her grunted and groaned to keep Lucifer locked inside their glowing white circle, three men and two women by the looks of it. All prettier than they needed to be, but ironically not anything like I imagined.

I expected angels to wear flowing robes thanks to too many movies depicting them that way, but they wore pants and shirts just like anyone else. I would’ve never known the difference between them and some random humans—except, you know, the power circle and color-changing angel wings.

I looked down, only to realize I was covered in blood. The wound on my chest was still open, but thankfully Nova hadn’t gotten to my heart because I wouldn’t have woken up if he had. I’d heal, probably. But now wasn’t the time to worry about what happened next. This was what I’d been working towards all this time. Whatwe’dbeen working towards.

My vengeance was minutes away.

Fable and Nova hadn’t disappeared into ash or light, or whatever angels did when they died, so that was a good sign. But until Lucifer was dead and ash, we weren’t out of the woods.

I ran over to where my evil twin grunted and tried to break free of the hold on her, but thankfully the group of angels had her locked down enough that she couldn’t get very far. The angel who beckoned me over was sweating across her brow, and the rest of them looked close to collapse, so I figured out quickly our time was short.

We either did this now or risked her getting away.

“I’m so fucking glad you broke through her power over you. If it’s not too much trouble though, mind doing that heavenly light thing so we can destroy this bitch.”

Whoa.I hadn’t expected the sailor’s mouth from the sweet, angel-faced blonde who looked like America’s Sweetheart, but I definitely wanted to know more about her after this was all over.

“Aye, aye, captain,” I quipped with a smirk, saluting her even though it hurt like a bitch to do it.

Evil demon dagger wounds in a fear dream by the bastard you were in love with were seriously the worst.

“Even if you kill me, you’ll never win over the demons to rule Hell, especially not with Nova and Fable as your sworn marks. It’ll be utter chaos,” Lucifer hissed, her body tensing and coiling like a snake.

Yeesh, people who knew their goose was cooked really did say lame stuff like all those Scooby-Doo specials suggested. Then again, people, even the Queen Bitch of Hell, would do anything to avoid death. Guess I just had her pegged as the silent-and-glaring-when-about-to-die type.

I toyed with whether or not to reply. My wit was endless, but my chest hurt and a part of me was desperate to make sure the other two were okay. After a walk through dream world with the people I missed the most, it made me a little ooey-gooey. I’d probably snap out of it after this was all over.

A girl could only hope…

When I summoned my power, I expected more fireworks. I mean, I was killing the reigning bitch of Hell. But all the emotions I conjured to give my heavenly light its strength fled through my arm like they were supposed to. A stream of blinding white flew out at her, just like it had in the fear dream. When it connected, the light burned her skin to black, and ash started to flake away from her body. Lucifer curled on the floor, writhing and tensing against the pain.

It was so satisfying to see the woman who’d killed everyone I cared about reduced to a helpless thing on the ground. In death, we all wore the same face of fear, and I took in every detail as payment for the countless terrible deeds the bitch committed against the innocent. I had an idea that vengeance was sweet, but the sweetness was indescribable with Lucifer, knowing I’d single-handedly ensured she’d never reign terror on another soul.

Let’s just say I could get used to this feeling.

When she’d blackened beyond recognition, Lucifer’s piercing scream cut through every other sound, and her entire body exploded into fire and ash. White overtook every color before I was able to call my power back. When the color returned, everything was silent, and Lucifer was gone.

I stared at the spot where her body had been, an odd sensation I couldn’t name in my chest. “I thought it’d be harder,” I commented before lifting my gaze.

Every angel was bent over and breathing heavily like they’d run for miles without stopping. Their wings disappeared and the blonde finally huffed a breath and laughed.

“I was told you were funny, but I didn’t expect a dick joke straight away,” she said, smirking.

My eyebrow rose, impressed. “I mean, it wasn’t meant to be a joke, but I guess this whole thing is exactly like a dick. It leaves you with a bad case of disappointment.”

Her laughter was cute in a way that even I couldn’t gag at. “You’re not wrong.” Then she gestured to the church. “Should we maybe go check on the other two?”

Still in a daze, I nodded.