It felt right.

It was the exact thing I needed.

The kiss went from exploratory to feral as soon as our bodies fused together like it was the natural progression of things. Like I was no longer the half-breed vigilante who took down demons every chance I got. I was a woman with an urge that needed to be satisfied, and only Nova could satisfy it.

His touch was powerfully passionate and full of dark desire. It catered to the deep part of me desperate to give in and forget myself for the sake of senseless euphoria. So, it was easy to lose myself to the touches and endless kisses.

I clawed at the strange demon’s clothes before he lifted me off the ground. I was forced to wrap my legs around his waist, but I did it without complaint, already enslaved to the moment. Our kisses deepened and our movements grew frenzied, and the madness sent us directly to the ground in a hurry to remove the clothing obstructing our touches.

I worked his shirt buttons loose, exposing smooth, flawless flesh the color of moonlight. Nova's body was beautiful and strong. It gleamed like he was a source of light in nothing but darkness, and I couldn't drag my eyes away for several seconds as I tasted his skin with eager hands.

Smirking, Nova dragged my shorts down my thighs and discarded them to the side. His hands wandered high and low, touching wherever they could, practically stealing moans from my throat. As my body was exposed, I noticed an inked web of symbols across one of the demon's white pectorals. It glowed soft gold light, then darkened to an abyss black before the hand on my throat constricted and my gaze was stolen away to Nova's seductive stare.

"Fight beside me, Lady. Only you can," he entreated before slamming his hips forward, swiftly penetrating me.

I hadn't been aware my legs were open or that my underwear was gone until pleasure swept across my hips and flooded my thighs.

Every time our hips collided, it was fucking amazing. The hand around my throat clutched harder, and the feeling went straight to the place between my legs. The pleasure every squeeze gave, the edge of losing consciousness wasn't anything I'd felt before, and I was desperate for more. The way our hips crashed into each other veered on anarchy.

It was the most pleasurable chaos I'd ever been a part of.

This wasn't anything like the sex I knew. Nothing like the men I slept with on occasion to scratch an itch. Every sensation took my breath away and slammed into me with a force that rocked a sane mind. It swept over me relentlessly, and I found myself pleading for more.

Begging for it.

My nails sunk into the fabric of Nova's suit jacket, clawing at it to tether myself to something solid because everything in my body was out of control and lost. I rolled my hips and chased every thrust, giving the man above me more reason to pick up the pace. His hot breath was on the side of my face, beaded sweat collected all over our skin, and the thrash of our bodies continued for what felt like forever.

The storm above us finally gave, and the two of us were suddenly pelted with warm rain. Even soaked the way we were, Nova didn't stop. Didn't pause for a single second. Everything between us seemed to pass both excruciatingly slowly and unbearably fast. Seconds later, I went rigid in orgasm.

It happened too quickly and without warning.

My heart hammered and my lungs failed to take in sufficient air. But then I was somehow on my feet, standing next to Aidan and Ty, fully dressed. My favorite bat was in my hand, where it had been before I was spirited away.

Nothing was out of place. Nothing about the interaction between Nova and I remained; no sign on or inside of my body to suggest I just had the best sex of my life.

What the fuck?!

Aidan turned to me, confusion lifting his eyebrows. "Is everything okay?"

I sucked in a breath and looked around me, not sure what had just happened. I only knew that my imagination was never that vivid or sexually inclined. But without the remnants of sex on my skin or the post-erotic numbness in my body, could I really say any of it happened?


Ty grunted and crossed his arms. "Bet she's being salty because we have to leave without fighting." I didn't rise to Ty's challenge, and it showed when he stared at me, the anger draining from his face. "Lady?"

Looking over my shoulder again, I gripped my bat, thankful for its solid presence. Then I peered down at my hand, sure I could still feel the smoothness of Nova's skin under my fingertips. Everything was still vivid in my head, his kiss still very much a tingle on my lips. But I couldn't be certain it hadn't been some sort of hallucination.

But for what reason, and more importantly, how?

"Let's go. I'm hungry," I finally said, causing Ty to huff contemptuously and Aidan to grin like nothing I did could ever bother him. Which wasn’t far from the truth.

My friend motioned for us to keep walking, his eyes still locked with mine. "I swear, you only care about fighting and food."

"A girl needs to have her priorities," I sassed, sneaking one last glance at the area around us.

“WHAT ARE YOU NOT TELLING me?” Aidan asked the minute we were alone back at the condo, away from the others.

Goddamn perceptive fuck.