Page 59 of Lady of Hell & Fury

Nova didn’t speak, but his jaw tensed visibly under the attack of Fable’s words.

“Crime?” I couldn’t hide my curiosity. “What crime did he commit?”

My eyes naturally moved to find the fallen angel, and it was staggering how much self-hatred was in his expression. Nova’s gaze, which never struggled to meet mine, refused to lift as Fable recounted the ultimate crime he’d committed to be with Lucifer.

“He took innocent lives. Human lives,” Fable finished, the comment dropping like the loudest sound in an empty room. “And that’s why he lost his wings.”

He killed innocent people?

It wasn’t that I couldn’t fathom Nova killing, but I guess I hadn’t expected he’d do something like kill humans. Maybe a few angels, maybe some demons—I mean, he and I did that since I’d met the dude—but it was weird to think he was responsible for hurting people who didn’t deserve it.

I’d killed my fair share of humans, but all of them deserved it. Nothing innocent about those bastards. Each one had preyed on countless women, and sometimes men, and they deserved what was coming to them. I was the swift hand of justice when no one else would hear the victims’ cries. I made good on karma—she and I were the same bitch. But innocent lives? It took me a second to reconcile that fact with the man in front of me.

Fable’s gaze didn’t leave Nova’s for nearly a minute before his hand was on my thigh, the flirtatious twinkle back in his pretty angel eyes. Despite dreaming of what those hands could do to me, I smacked it with enough force that the brazen angel whipped it back with a grunt.

And in a snap, the uncomfortable tension receded and Nova finally spoke up, “She has Heaven’s Light.”

Fable was shaking his hand, the place I hit beet-red, but he stopped when he heard what Nova uttered. “What? How’s that possible?”

“I had the same thought,” Nova admitted, green eyes back to their usual tender sheen. He carded through his silky hair, the sandy-brown locks gleaming in the restaurant light. “But if we’re going to do this, we’ll need someone skilled enough to train her quickly. I can’t promise we’ll have enough time, but you’re one of very few I can trust to help.”

Fable stared at Nova before his curious eyes traveled over to where I sat next to him, the muscles in his torso flexing. But I wasn’t paying attention to the asshole. I was searching for the waitress because I was about to eat the table if I didn’t get any food in my stomach—or at the very least, alcohol to curb my hunger.

“You’re taking a big risk. Are you sure it’s worth it? I can offer you protection from her. You’re still human…” Fable implored me, dragging my unwilling eyes back over to him.

I scoffed. This bastard obviously didn’t know me at all.

Still human? How sweet.

I patted the oversized dude on the head like a child, earning a small smile from Nova in the process. Fable had the decency to look surprised before his amber eyes danced with amusement.

Ugh. Dudes.

Crossing my arms, I leaned back into the corner and watched the waitress trail over with my drink. “Yeah, no thanks. I’m doing this with or without your help. I don’t turn tail when shit gets rough. Not my style.”

Fable’s grin broadened, and the muscles along his arm flexed. “Oh yeah, you and I are going to get along just fine.”

I’d need to be blind to miss the naughty intentions in that smile of his. And I’d also be lying if I said it didn’t make me double-down on my bedding an angel idea.

Sex with God’s creature sounded like something I’d do, and I might be shameless enough to use his obvious interest in me to satisfy a curiosity. Like if there was a difference between angels and demons. Or if sex while flying was a thing.

We could make it a thing.

I blamed Nova for my insatiable appetite for sex these days. I’d never cared this much about it before, but now it was sometimes all I could think about. It’d never be better than bashing in some demon’s skull, but it definitely came close.

With a wave of perfect blonde hair and flowery perfume, Mary came over to our table and smiled, still very visibly uncomfortable around me. Eyes finding their way down to Nova, she bent over his shoulder. Her chest nearly touched him as she set my drink down, then a basket of steamy rolls. I nearly drooled at the sight of hot food, but I kept it together long enough to thank her. Mary straightened, fixed her blouse, and then touched Nova on the shoulder before leaving.

I was already halfway to putting a roll in my mouth before I caught Mary touch the fallen angel, and then something acidic and unforgiving reached my throat. I swallowed the sensation, not sure why the hell one little flirtatious touch bothered me so much but also too hungry to think more about it.

“I’d ask if she’s always like this, but Lady doesn’t strike me as someone to hold back for anyone,” Fable commented as I broke pieces off the second roll I’d stolen from the basket.

Nova’s gentle smile caught my attention. “Refreshing, isn’t it?”

Laughing to himself, Fable nodded and took a sip of his ale. “Definitely. So, if I say yes, I’ll get to work with her until you cross over to hunt down that bitch?” Nova simply nodded, his freshly-pressed shirt shifting under him. “I have another suggestion,” Fable finally muttered, his jaw tensing for a second. “What if I could gather a few, and then we brought the fight to hallowed ground.”

“Your price?”

I wasn’t following, but it was also clear they intended me not to. So I’d beat it out of them later if I had to. Presently, hunger won over violence, and I’d pick apart everything they said when stuffing my face wasn’t all I could think about.