Page 74 of Lady of Hell & Fury

The two didn’t say anything at first, but then they led me over to the pentagram, each taking a spot on both sides of me. Nova removed an all-black dagger I’d never seen before from his coat. I watched as the two silently opened their shirts, making it more difficult with each button loosened not to make a snarky comment or two about the B-rate porno atmosphere.

Then Fable smirked and put his hand out, hovering it over the mark marring Nova’s pec. “Guess we should start by removing this. We’ll have to act fast once it’s removed. That crazy bitch will know what’s going on.” White light glowed around the angel’s hand.

I lifted my chin, trying to project confidence when the tension was already getting to me. “Then you two will cut a spot on your chest…” I added matter-of-factly.

Nova’s gentle smile was back. “Yes. You’ll need to cut the palms of both of your hands with the same blade and place them on our wounds. Like Fable taught you, send your power into us.”

“But what if I send too much?” I asked, voice unrecognizable. I triedunsuccessfullyto hide how worried I was that I’d fuck this entire thing up, but I forgave the momentary lapse in Lady confidence.

We got one shot at this, and the revenge I’d sought since I started this was minutes away. Everything rode on me to do this shit right.

The angel next to me threw his head back and laughed loudly. “That’s so cute. Don’t worry, Lady. Everything here acts as a conduit. It’ll channel the power into mark creation and not assault. Unless you want it to hurt a little? I’m not against—”

“Just get to removing his mark, asshole, before I regret my own decision to tie myself indefinitely with you.”

Fable’s eyes and jaw clenched. “Ugh, that tone gets me every time.”

Fuck, I already regret it.

The moment white beamed from Fable’s hand, Nova’s face twisted in on itself with pain. The fact that the fallen angel was showing anything at all spoke volumes of what kind of agony it was. The smile on Fable’s lips also told a story of someone enjoying it a little too much. Not that I could blame him.

Nova deserved it.

The loud crackle of Fable’s power working its magic on Nova’s mark filled the room, and it felt like forever watching the black corrupted mark disappear, the skin mending the second the black and gold ink faded from sight.

To be honest, I expected more fireworks. Fable made it sound like some great act of power to remove the thing. Even Nova alluded to how difficult it might be to undo what his stupid and in-love selfish ass did over a thousand years ago. I thought for sure the massive angel bro might utter some heavenly tripe he heard someone say once, but it was pretty quiet on the battlefront. Justcrackle, sizzleand some light play—pun intended—and the mark started to fade away.

I’d only ever known Nova with his long-reigning corruption plain as day on his body, and it was weird when it was gone. Like he’d been given a fresh start, something I wasn’t sure if the demon truly deserved. But I’d decided this was what worked best, and I’d soon replace the mark he had carried with my own. Well, assuming I got this bullshit marking right.

It always comes down to me, doesn’t it?

With his mark gone, Nova hissed and stole a look at me, breathing heavier than before. He landed a hand on Fable’s shoulder, and then touched my waist. My eyebrow rose a fraction, and the fallen angel pretended he didn’t see any of it.


Fable smirked and mirrored Nova’s actions, nearly earning himself a smack when his hand edged dangerously close to my ass. “One big happy family.”

I swallowed, the word family already a bad taste in my mouth. But the friends, the ones who were the closest I ever got to family, were the entire reason I was doing this. I’d get revenge even if it killed me.

Nova didn’t respond to the angel, just nodded at me. “Now.”

They’d completed the circle, or triangle if you wanted to get specific, and now it was my turn.

The tension in my body was near-breaking as I sliced into my palms with the dagger Nova had given me. Then I touched each open cut to the ones the two men made for themselves only moments before. I ignored Fable’s eager smile and Nova’s penetrating stare. We couldn’t go back now.

It was do or die.

The electric sensation that fed into my body nearly distracted me from doing what I was supposed to do. Live wires crawled over every surface of my flesh, growing more intense with every breath. Strong waves of pleasure and pain fled my injured palms up the length of my arms before I got my thoughts together enough to do what Nova previously instructed me to do.

So many damn steps to this bullshit process…

I pushed my power through the sensation and into their wounds. A white beam of light grew from both of my hands and sunk into their cuts, a new symbol forming on their skin in an alarming blood-red color. Fable and Nova both reacted to the sudden surge, their bodies stiffening before their eyes and jaws slammed shut.

Despite the intense sensations wreaking havoc on my own body, I still managed to cackle at the two bastards. “Should’ve used…the two of you looking like…total assholes…as a selling point. I would’ve…done this…sooner,” I bit out through gasps of pleasure and pants of pain.

It was clear when neither one reacted or uttered a word in response, I was the only person left functioning enough to enjoy how silly we all looked—rigid, shivering, touching each other. Forget B-rate porno. This shit wouldn’t even rate. It’d be on YouTube or some amateur site, free to any poor bastard who needed a quick wank. An outsider looking in would think the three of us were either high on something or being electrocuted just before we got around to our weird threesome.

It was that lame.