Page 72 of Lady of Hell & Fury

But what I hadn’t counted on was Nova showing up the minute daylight broke across the horizon. Fable didn’t seem at all surprised to see him, and I grumbled at the angel for not warning a chick before her demon fuck-buddy showed up at the doorstep.

Nova’s green eyes lifted to find mine, and I tensed when only a heartbeat later, his lips slanted into the usual sensual smile. “You seem tense, little bird. Come, sit. You and I have a few things to discuss before tonight.”

Fable paused over the stovetop, and the muscles of his back flexed for a second before he went back to cooking.

Offering the angel a fleeting glance, I headed over to the couch. “I’ll let you off for that patronizing tone you’re using, but don’t think for a goddamn second I won’t kick your ass for it later, Nova,” I sassed at him, then landed on the seat next to the devil I knew. “I’ve got a list of questions you better fucking answer. Not to mention, you’ll need blood and so will I.”

Nova seemed surprised I’d offer. “We will.”

“She looks like me,” I said out of nowhere, and Nova’s smile disappeared instantly. Something clattered in the kitchen, and Fable was already facing us with his arms crossed over. “I’m guessing finding me was easier because of that. And other things…” My eyes tracked over to him accusingly, and the demon’s eyes were already speckled with red.

Oh, baby boy was feeling a bit caught off guard?Good.

“I’m sure it’s of no reassurance to you, but that’s not why I did any of this. Yes, you look like her, that much is true. It’d be ridiculous for me to deny it. You are, however, your own person. I was made painfully clear of that the first night I watched you.”

Stalker demon makes a grand reappearance.

“Ah, yes. Before you bothered to make yourself known to me, I assume,” I countered, relying on my ever-present sarcasm to get my distaste across. “Whatever. I don’t even care about that anymore.” Which was a lie, but hell if I’d ever say so. “What matters is that she did her fear dream thing to me, and after a few other things with training, I’ve made a decision about how to correct this mark she gave you.”

Fable didn’t bother to hide his interest. The angel took a straight path over to us and plonked down on a barstool so he could give me his full attention. Nova’s back straightened, his red speckled eyes dancing across my face, and the air in the room shifted. Both of them were on edge.

About fucking time.

“I’m sure you somehow know what went on after I was left with this asshole,” I said, thumbing to the asshole in question. “I don’t owe either one of you anything, and I’m not sold on what either of you are selling. So…we’re doing it my way. All of it.” I crossed a leg over, titillated by the tense atmosphere, knowing it was because neither one knew what was coming for them. “Both you bastards like to lie for your own benefit. Fair game. I fancy a good lie or two myself. But unfortunately for you two, dudes are slaves to their dicks and you bastards gave away your hands because of it.”

Nova stole a look at Fable, who returned it, neither of them smiling. Which was a fucking treat for this chick. The gravity of the tables turned really got my blood pumping. I could get used to having these two powerful dudes under my thumb. Might even aim for it next chance I got.

“Fable’s going to get rid of your mark,” I added with scathing precision, watching each face melt to opposite reactions. But not for long. “There’s a way he pretended didn’t exist because he’s more demon than you are.” I tossed the angel a look, and his signature bro-smile was already back.

“You got me, Lady. I underestimated you again, but if you command it, I don’t have a choice but to do whatever the Lady wants.” Another bad pun to add to the growing list of reasons to despise this mafia-looking asshole.

I couldn’t roll my eyes hard enough.

Nova’s jaw clenched. “I knew.”

“Knew what?” I asked, confused. “Knew there was another way?”

Sighing, the demon nodded. “It can’t be done without him, and I’ll admit I didn’t think he’d ever agree to do it without something I wasn’t willing to give him in return.”

The sneaky glance Fable offered me suggested he’d probably demand some kind of trade worse than cleansing. If Nova was in love with me like he claimed, it was likely me who Fable would demand as his prize. Based on previous interactions, it wasn’t really much of a guess, more of a certainty.

What can I say, I seem to attract weird fucking bros.

“Fuck right off, Fable. I only bothered because I was drunk and curious about angel wings. You got lucky on a technicality.” Nova’s smile was devious and happy, but then I added, “You’re not any fucking better, asshole. You’re just convenient for my goals.”

I reveled in their joint disappointment, then leaned back and sighed.

“I’m not really sure if I have seduction powers or not, but if it benefits me to think so and use you both the way you’ve conveniently decided to use me, then I will.” My smile was blatantly joyful, and it was the first time Fable and Nova shared the same look of apprehension. “If I’m going to be saddled with ruling Hell, so are you two. Both of you will get marked before tonight, or no dice. The three of us would be a better balance than the bullshit Lucifer or that fucker before her offered the world. Besides, I refuse to be the only one forced into an eternity of shitty things to do. And something tells me Lucifer doesn’t expect I’d lay claim to not one but two assholes.”


Vengeance My Way

I LOOKED AROUND AT ALL the scented candles, artifacts, and large pentagram drawn on the floor with chalk. “What are we, the girls from The Craft? I thought you said you didn’t do this shit, Nova. What is all this hocus pocus nonsense? Are you telling me you really have to do this bullshit so I can mark you two hooligans?”

Fable was bent over, which was a feat for a man the size of a Grizzly Bear, lighting a dainty-ass candle like he was a teen girl prepping to lose her virginity to her high school quarterback boyfriend.

I couldn’t even make this shit up it was so ridiculous.