Page 42 of Lady of Hell & Fury

My bat ached to meet Rift’s skull, but Nova didn’t give me the luxury. After tracking down the bastard demon, who not only killed the crew I spent the last near decade with but the only person I trusted in this godforsaken world, we took out the surviving few demons hellbent to protect their leader and faced off with the asshole who didn’t look so cocky now that we’d taken out his cold, black heart.

“You won’t succeed in your goal. Mark my words, Nova. Lucifer will put an end to you and your little half-breed whore,” the demon spat, his dark skin camouflaged by the moonless darkness around us, with only the haunting beam of red eyes to indicate he was even there.

Said like a true, weak-ass villain at the moment of death.

“No one cares what you’re on about, my dude. And this half-breed whore is the entire reason you aren’t going to be there to see how any of this goes down,” I called out, scoffing with my bat swinging in lazy circles.

Bastard was toast.

I clicked my tongue, ready to sink the spikes of my bat into his skull, but Nova was quicker. Suddenly, my green-eyed companion was behind the demon, bleeding him out like a stuck pig. Rift had his head arched back, a thick wound carved into his neck, but didn’t appear to react to it. Instead, the demon seemed to be caught in some kind of daze, eyelashes fluttering helplessly.

I stared, wide-eyed and flabbergasted, mouth agape. “Hey, you fucker, that was my kill.”

Nova’s eyes were razor-sharp and demanding. “Come.”

It was very rare I found myself both insulted and comically turned on at the same time, but Nova figured out how to do it. Still, I came over like I was beckoned to where Rift was gurgling and held captive in a vice grip by my companion.

“Drink,” the other demon ordered, his chest rising and falling like it took effort just to get that one word out.

Outright befuddled, I opened my mouth in protest. “The fuck I will!”

The usually serene fallen angel’s eyes narrowed on mine, the beam of red intermixed with green distracting all on its own. But the way he stared was easily the most violent it’d ever been.

“W-why?” I added, barely tempering the urge to kiss the demanding asshole because seeing him so violent did naughty things to my body.

I’m the definition of sadomasochism. This proves it.

Rift coughed blood, fighting Nova’s hold on him, but his eyes were rolled into the back of his head. He shuddered and groaned, clearly under some sort of spell. If I had to hazard a guess, Nova probably stole the demon away to one of his nifty illusions, one I hoped was as torturous as what I’d definitely create for him with my favorite weapon.

“Remember what I told you when we first spoke of exchanges. This is one of them. Consume him. Take his powers and his strength. Do itnow,Lady.”

Forget that it was literally the most disgusting thing I’d ever have to do, but why the hell would I ever want the blood of my enemy inside my veins?

Deducing my inner struggle, Nova added, “If you seek revenge, this is the first step to realizing that future. The Lady I’ve come to know has never hesitated to do what she must.”

“You know this is totally different, you gorgeous twat,” I complained, sliding my eyes down the already saturated torso of the demon who was supposedly the strongest minion to serve Lucifer.

He was dressed to the nines in Tim Burton goth chic, and it took every bit of my willpower not to go on a tangent about how out of place his style was in this city of the rich and famous. If I had to describe it, Rift looked like he’d walked right off the set of Sweeny Todd, and the dude definitely stood out the second our eyes connected in this city that never slept.

“And there’s no other way?”

Nova’s lips lifted secretively, and I physically gagged when I caught his train of thought. “You’re a sick bastard.”

The fallen angel’s rich laughter rang out in the dead of night. “I didn’t say a word, little bird.”

“You didn’t have to, you gross motherfucker. Necrophilia’s not my idea of a good time.”

I’d take my life before sleeping with the bastard who stole the only people I cared about.

“Noted,” he chimed happily. “Then I guess that leaves only this. I’d appreciate it if you’d act with a little more urgency. My power isn’t limitless, and he will eventually break through my illusion.”

Grumbling unhappily, I took a few more steps before lapping at the never-ending stream of demon blood pouring down his throat. I expected the taste would make me want to vomit or recoil. But unfortunately, like Nova’s blood, it was inviting to drink, and I quickly found myself having trouble controlling how messy I got with consuming it.

Finally, I broke the trance and pulled away. Nova’s eyes were full-blown demon red by the time I looked up at him and his smile was no longer the gentle or casual one he was prone to projecting. This smile made me unnaturally terrified by what true intentions hid behind one so cold and dark. But before I could ponder its meaning, my companion sunk his fangs into Rift’s throat and took great gulps of his blood.

Honestly, I thought for sure the sight would make me unbelievably uncomfortable. And it did, but not in the way I thought it would. If anything, I was two gulps away from attacking Nova and fucking him right there in a public street. Thankfully, Nova finished just in time for me to snap out of the sexual daze I was slowly being swept into.

As my brain clicked over and I regained control, I watched Rift’s features distort and mummify, becoming leathery and frail. Then the strongest of the Sworn Three collapsed into a pile of dust.