Page 26 of Lady of Hell & Fury

Nova chuckled lightly to himself. “Yes…yes, you are.”


Branded by a Bitch

WEEKS PASSED IN A FLURRY of carnal lust and training. I’d nearly forgotten about why sex was necessary for the future fight and instead wanted it purely for how good it felt; how it drowned out the ugly memories that plagued me every day since leaving Aidan alone after our entire team was destroyed because of me.

Each time, Nova feigned ignorance and acted surprised I’d ever approach him for sex. It drove me batty, enough to use every creative curse word in my vocabulary, but not enough to stop me from tearing off his expensive-as-shit clothing.

Every chance I got I pushed the demon onto the floor, or against a wall, or into a counter to fuck him blind. Really any place nearby was in danger of becoming the site of our next romp.

I stopped caring where we did it as long as Nova drove his cock into me, over and over, until I didn’t have a single thought in my head that wasn’t how incredible his body was and how hot he made me. And as hard as it was to admit, I enjoyed the cat and mouse game we played in between bouts of essential sparring.

Nova was a truly incredible fighter. Even Aidan wouldn’t stand a fucking chance against the proficiently skilled demon. He could use any weapon and rarely settled for just one during a fight. It pained me to acknowledge the fact that I wanted to learn from Nova just as much as I wanted to pounce on him.

Lucky for me, the more I consumed Nova’s blood and rode him like a pony, the stronger and faster I became. I could even travel distances so quickly it mimicked demons appearing and disappearing like they did when I fought them before. Like Nova did when he appeared on the first night I laid eyes on him.

But make no mistake, I’d never give up my languid stroll over to an enemy, bat swinging in circles, playful smile on my lips, for anything. Not even when I could appear like a phantom of their nightmares.

I might try it one night, though. Might feel good to hear them squeal.

By the second week, tracking Nova’s movements and countering them were second nature. As easy as breathing. It was clear I’d exceeded his expectations and he hadn’t been prepared for me to meet him on level ground so quickly. I liked the expression he made when I beat him.

Without realizing it, I was addicted to the time we shared. I enjoyed the groans of pleasure and pain Nova gave way to when he fought to win both in the bedroom and in a fight. It was futile. He rarely won against me anymore, and I couldn’t help but gloat about my victories whenever our eyes connected.

Feels good to be powerful.

Probably most alarming was that by the third week, I’d grown accustomed to waking up beside the same dude who destroyed the previous ruler of Hell. A fallen angel turned demon whose only promise to me was boundless carnage and revenge.

His sinewy arms always found a way around me, fusing our naked skin together the second they latched on. I always woke up oddly warm and fuzzy, but it didn’t take long for the haze of sleep to transform into a haze of lust.

Sneaky fingers and lingering kisses along the curve of my neck and shoulder were almost always how Nova greeted me in the morning, and it always ended with our hips slapping messily into each other and every single guttural cry I emitted being swallowed by his hungry mouth.

It didn’t help that the dude laid around, rarely bothering to wear clothes, looking like a damn Greek god of sex. His body was literal perfection, and I hated how much every part of him, especially the largest, hardest part between his legs, appealed to me so much.

His torso looked like it’d been carved out of stone; every muscle excruciatingly detailed and on display. His plump lips were somehow always shiny, like he licked them just before I looked over at him. And maybe he had. I wouldn’t put it past the demon who knew how best to seduce me into his arms like he’d figured out the winning technique.

Call me a nympho, but I had sex on the brain every second I was around the asshole.

I stopped caring how easy I’d become, or how my former self would scorn my present self. It didn’t matter when Nova’s body connected with mine, and maybe that was his aim. Maybe I was the naive prey already caught by the clever predator.

The sex is totally worth it.

I quickly learned that Nova was the CEO of a huge American security company, Super Nova Security, which worked directly with several government operations like the CIA, FBI, and Interpol. He was privy to information even the Shadow Stalkers struggled to obtain. His global reach meant tracking demons was as easy as pie.

I’d never been one to envy anyone, not a fucking soul, but even I was a little jealous of the software they’d developed to track demons. Made hunting them down barely a task at all. Simply input the specific characteristics of their chosen forms and M.O., andbam!It was all narrowed down to a few locations and crimes.

Talk about ruling the world, but Nova assured me his intentions were purely to keep demons in check. You know, because it wasn’t like Nova wasalsoa demon or anything.

The irony wasn’t lost on me, but I kept it to myself.

Guess it was more accurate to say he was a fallen angel rather than a demon, but nothing about him seemed the slightest bit angelic other than his chiseled body and ethereal eyes. Everything else, especially in the bedroom, was wholly demon.

Despite being a fancy-schmancy CEO dude, Nova explained it was mostly in name only. His team handled the boring corporate nonsense, and he benefitted like a capitalist king. Which explained the state-of-the-art house, the name-brand clothes, the unnecessarily fast-as-shit cars, and all the latest tech packed into every room like this was a security facility and not a home.

Just another reason to despise him while also heralding his genius. It paid for everything we were about to do—hunt down the Sworn Three and dethrone that bitch Lucifer.

If not for the otherworldly sex taking place on every surface available at his large estate, I’d be chomping at the bit to get out there. Leave it to a demon to use sex as a distractive method, and I hated how much it worked on me.