Page 98 of The Fall Out

I fought my natural tendency to glare and instead forced an almost smile onto my face. As the pitcher, I was always getting shit from reporters. What did they think I would say about the two-run homer I gave up that inning?

Oh, best moment of the game for me. Thanks for asking.

I wanted to roll my eyes. But I’d make Hannah proud and not piss off Tom. Fuck no, I would not upset him the day before I planned to tell him I was dating his daughter.

“Probably spent too much time on the slider this offseason. I’m sure Wilson and Price will be riding me about the knuckle ball for the next couple of weeks. Luckily, Martinez’s catch and that quick double play got us out of the inning quick.”

“You seem to be happier this season.”

I spun to address the man who’d asked the odd question, and my stomach knotted when I zeroed in on him. It was the guy Avery had gone out with. From the second they’d stepped off the elevator that night, I’d known who he was. Yet he wasn’t a reporter. This guy was the sports editor for theGlobe. So why was he here?

Keeping my cool, I took a breath. “The season has started off well. You all know my pop had a heart attack while I was at spring training. He’s improved a lot since then, and that has been a huge boost for me.”

He cocked a brow. “Nothing else?”

My heart thumped harder against my chest, but I kept my composure, even though I didn’t like what he was implying. Typically, the reporters kept our personal lives out of the locker room interviews.

“Life is good in general.” Leaving it at that, I turned away from him and happily answered several questions that were relevant to the game. After I’d given them an ample amount of time, I tilted my chin. “All right, guys. I’m gonna hit the showers.”

The group dispersed from there. All but Jude. Fuck.

“In a rush to get home?”

This time, I couldn’t help myself. I sent him a smirk. “Wouldn’t you be if you had someone to get home to?”

He stepped closer and lowered his voice so his next words were just between us. “How long have you two been hooking up?”

“Don’t know what you’re talking about.” I shrugged and turned back to my locker, hoping like hell this dude would take the hint and get out of here.

“Come on. Man up to it at least,” he goaded.

While I unbuttoned my jersey, I scanned the area around us to make sure the other reporters were focused elsewhere. “Respect the space, man. We don’t talk private business here. This room is for baseball.” I shucked off my jersey and tossed it onto my chair.

“That sounds like confirmation to me.” He smirked.

“Take it however you want.”

Jude kept his focus locked on me as he called out. “Coach.”

My heart stuttered and sank. Shit. There was no doubt in my mind that I wouldn’t like what he said next. I had promised Avery no drama, and this was the definition of locker room drama.

Almost in slow motion, Tom spun and stalked toward us.

Jude finally broke eye contact when Tom was standing beside him. Then he dropped the bomb. “What do you think about your daughter dating your problematic hothead?”

Ever in control, Tom kept his expression even. The only sign that he was pissed was the way his jaw ticked almost imperceptibly. His attention shifted from Jude to me. The look he gave me seared like a branding iron. “Seems like its settled him a bit.” His jaw tightened again. “Excuse me.”

With that, he strode into his office and shut the door behind him.

I was so fucked.

I gaped at the television,barely hearing what the commentators had to say over the blood rushing in my ears.

“That was a dramatic end to a somewhat quiet doubleheader. If Tom Wilson wasn’t aware of his daughter’s dating status before today, he definitely is now.” The commentator laughed uncomfortably after the feed in the locker room cut off.

They continued talking about whether our relationship could be credited for the change in Chris’s attitude this season and whether my father’s response could even be considered confirmation that a relationship existed.

This was exactly why my father didn’t want me dating his players. Now that the news was out, all the media would be talking about was my connection to Chris when they should be reporting on the game.