Page 92 of The Fall Out

He held up a hand. “You’re working on being more controlled, and I respect that. I’ve also learned that you need a style of coaching that differs from my norm.”

I frowned, forcing air into my lungs. What the fuck was happening right now? “What?”

“I tried to box you in, but that wasn’t the best approach. Because I want you to be passionate. About some things, at least.”

I sat a little straighter, trying to process everything he was throwing my way.

“Winning, for example. You want the team to win, and you’re self-aware enough to know when you aren’t going to help us get there. Your slider. I thought pushing you to throw it would help, but you weren’t avoiding the pitch. You knew it wasn’t there.”

“I did tell you that,” I mumbled.

I’d been honest with him from the beginning. He’d just had a stick up his ass and refused to listen. A year ago, I would have pointed that out. A year ago, I did point it out. But in all the wrong ways.

He chuckled and leaned back in his chair, the leather creaking beneath him. “Not many people are honest enough to admit theirfaults, but you don’t have that issue. You recognize weakness and you work to be better. You worked that pitch obsessively in the offseason, and it shows. It’s stronger than ever. And although I didn’t always believe it, I know you’re an asset to this team.”


He pressed his hands together and tapped his chin with his fingertips, all the while watching me carefully.

I didn’t shift or break eye contact. I just waited.

Finally, he let out a breath through his nose. “So you keep working on control and communication, and I’ll work on listening and being the coach you need.” He dropped his palms to the desk and pushed to his feet. Then he held a hand out to me.

As I shook it, I kept my jaw locked tight. He was right. I was honest to a fault, and right now, I wanted to tell him that I loved his daughter, and that I’d prove to him that not only was I an asset to the team, but that he’d never find a man who would treat her better than I intended to. I couldn’t say any of that. Not yet. And leaving the office with the lie of omission hanging in the air was unsettling.

Blondie: I don’t know if you get texts on the plane, but OREO CHEESECAKE? My doorbell just rang and this was waiting for me.

Blondie: Pic of a full cheesecake in a to-go box

Blondie: How?? they don’t do takeout

Me: First, it’s the Rev’s plane. Of course Beckett has WI-FI. Second, I will always make it happen for you, Blondie. And thank your doorman. I heard he and his wife had a lovely dinner and took dessert to go

Blondie: You are my favorite human

Me: Someday I’ll beat the birds

Blondie: GIF of aneye roll

Me: What are you wearing?

Chris: You know I’m about to play a game, right?

Me: You asked me first!

Chris: You’re going out clubbing with Jana and Wren. I’m going to be stuck sitting on a bench, watching a baseball game while picturing men hitting on you

Me: Nah. Jana and Wren will get all the attention. People don’t notice me.

Chris: Trust me, Blondie, everyone sees you. You’re gorgeous. Have fun

Blondie: I’m sitting on the sofa in the exact same spot you made me come on your tongue, missing you desperately.

Me: I’m sitting two rows behind your dad on this flight. NO SEXTING

Blondie: pic of a sad face.

Me: You’re beautiful, even when you frown, but I prefer a smile