Page 66 of The Fall Out

“There’s a pack of extra toothbrushes in there,” Emerson said.

“Why?” Gianna asked, one brow raised.

“For the same reason no one is sleeping in his bed tonight.” Chris rolled his eyes. “He hardly ever sleeps alone.”

Without responding, Gianna lowered her chin and picked at the label on her beer bottle.

“Dude, don’t be a dick.” Emerson frowned at Chris. “I don’t have women over more than a couple times a month.”

I’d never seen the happy-go-lucky guy look so upset. But what was even more surprising was the way he side-eyed Gianna with a look of uncertainty.

Hmm, that would be something. I could see it. She was gorgeous. But I could guarantee Chris wouldn’t be happy if he saw the interest in Emerson’s eyes.

I didn’t want to give my thoughts away. Too often, they just showed up on my face, and I could be way off in my assessment of hissister and his best friend. So I hurried out of the kitchen and headed down the hall.

I changed quickly and used a spare toothbrush that Emerson had stocked in the closet. When I reemerged, it was to yet another argument.

“Babe, rom-coms are the best.” Emerson shifted his attention to me. “Tell her. We love them.”

I shrugged. “We do.”

“I don’t.” She slumped back into the couch and crossed her arms.

I curled up on the chaise end of the couch. “I thought we were watchingSchitt’s Creek.”

“That was the plan, but then he turned on the TV and saw that.” She pointed a red nail at the screen, where the information page of Netflix’s newest release was pulled up. “And he wants to change the plan.”

“It was just a suggestion.” Emerson shrugged.

“A bad one.”

“See? This is what I was talking about.”

Chris came out in nothing but a pair of gray sweats and his dark-rimmed glasses, holding a toothbrush in one hand, and my heart tripped over itself at the sight of him.

“I told you that the two of you would fight and make it miserable.”

“Fine.” Gianna held both hands up. “Fine. We’ll watch whatever you want.”

“Exactly. It’s my house, so I get to pick the movie.” He stomped over to Emerson and snatched the remote out of his hand. Then he dropped it into my lap. “Avery, put on whatever you want.” With that, he spun and strode back to his bedroom.

Emerson and Gianna both laughed, but neither commented.

I arched a brow and pointed the remote at the TV. “SoSchitt’s Creek?”

When Gianna and Emerson both nodded, I navigated to the correct screen and found episode one.

Chris reappeared, snagged a blanket from the back of the recliner, and settled on the sofa next to me, propping his feet up on the chaise.He was so close I could feel the heat radiating off him as he spread the blanket over our legs.

Not even halfway through, my eyelids were feeling heavy.

I tipped toward him and rested my head on his shoulder. “Can I?”

“Sure, Blondie.” He lifted his arm and draped it along the couch behind me. “Use me as a pillow anytime you want.”

He tucked me into his side so my head rested on his chest. Cocooned in his warmth, sleep pulled me under almost instantly.

Cupcakes.Something tickled my nose, and it smelled a lot like cupcakes. That had become one of my favorite smells over the last several months. Though I could bask in the scent all day, the room was stifling. It felt like I was wrapped in a blanket fresh from the dryer. I turned my head, searching for cooler air. Instead, my chin brushed against a warm surface.