Page 41 of The Fall Out

So far, we had added six of the nine we’d budgeted for. Two mating pairs and two females.

“Especially the one with the pink band.” Chris tipped his chin, gesturing to one of the females.

I assessed the bird in question, then scanned the whole group of them. “We’ll see in the spring.”

“Still don’t love how sad he looks now that all the color has gone from his face.” Chris shook his head.

During the winter, puffins didn’t look like the cute clowns they were most of the year. The white and orange faded, and their faces were dull shades of gray and black.

“Give it a couple months, and he’ll be back to the Puff you know and love.”

Chris smirked. “Love is a strong word, Blondie.”

“We all know you love him.” I bumped his shoulder. “That’s how you got a key to this place.”

Chris ducked his head and shook it, like I was ridiculous. If asked, he’d no doubt claim that he was given a key only because he was paying for the upkeep of the puffins until they got the foundation set up.

“C’mon.” I wandered to where we kept snacks for the birds. We fed them all a few fish, and I had Puff do his new jumping trick for Chris before we headed out.

Once we stepped outside, he grasped my hand and pulled me toward him, away from the main road. “I’m in the parking lot.”

“You have a car?”

The heat from his big, warm hand radiated through me, warming me instantly despite the bitter cold. When he loosened his hold, ready to release me, I tightened my grip. I wasn’t ready to let go just yet.

He side-eyed me, his lips turning down in the hint of a frown. Was holding hands with a friend weird? Maybe, but he didn’t pull away, so I went with it.

“We aren’t hoofing it around Boston in the dark and in the dead of winter. Of course I have a car.”

Dressed in jeans and Uggs and a thick coat, I was perfectly content. It was cold, sure, and the wind coming off the harbor this time of year was harsh, but I was used to winter. “I walked here from Dad’s.”

He side-eyed me again, this time working his jaw from side to side. “Next time, text me. I’ll pick you up. I hate when you wander around the harbor at night.”

I pressed my lips together, fighting a smile. Once again, I was having déjà vu.

He loosened his grip as we approached a black Mercedes that was already running, and this time I let him go. Ducking his head, he opened the passenger door.

I gave him a grateful smile and slid in, relishing the soothing comfort of the already warm leather seat. And I couldn’t help but study him as he rounded the hood. His body was hidden beneath a heavy winter coat, but even so, his strength and grace were blatant. He really was gorgeous. And so, so misunderstood.

“Bambi?” Chris called as we stepped inside the apartment fifteen minutes later. He guided me in ahead of him and tossed his keys onto the small table by the door. It hadn’t been here the first time I was at Chris’s place. I wasn’t sure if it was Emerson or Chris, but one of them liked decorating. Every time I came by, there were new pieces of furniture or décor or gorgeous artwork.

The new painting that hung over the table stole all the breath from my lungs. The point of view made it seem as though the artist had painted it while sitting on a boat in the middle of Boston Harbor atsunset. The colors of the city and its buildings were portrayed in a tranquil watercolor. The stadium was there, and so was the zoo, but the details blended together rather than standing out individually.

“This is gorgeous.” I gently traced the bronzy frame with a finger.

“My sister,” he grunted. “She’s talented.” Then he shook his head. “But she won’t leave her crappy job at a marketing agency because her boyfriend works there.”

I’d heard enough about Gianna’s boyfriend to know that Chris didn’t like the guy, but before I could ask him to elaborate on Gianna’s job and her talent, Emerson peeked out from the kitchen wearing his standard big smile.

“I’m so glad we framed that painting.”

Chris glowered at him.

Who was I kidding? There was no world in which Chris was the one decorating this apartment.

“What’s your plan?” Chris grunted.

“I’m hanging out with you two if that’s cool. And I made tripletas.” He disappeared through the archway that led to the kitchen.