Page 17 of The Fall Out

In that moment, I realizedwhyshe was on the field.Shewas the vet. Typically, I was the type to curse the universe and the idea of destiny, yet I was ready to high-five the hands of fate. Because damn it if luck wasn’t on my side. My Blondie happened to be here when we needed a vet? If that wasn’t providence, then I didn’t know what was.

“Hey, little man,” she said softly as she bent next to it.

Without thinking, I moved right in and crouched beside her. She swallowed like she felt my presence next to her, but her focus stayed on the bird. She set the towel in the grass, then carefully steadied the animal with a hand on each side of it, minimizing its thrashing. But it let out a noise that sounded like a whimper. “Can you help me, Chris?”

A thrill raced down my spine. Although her tone was formal, she remembered me.

“Absolutely. What do you need?”

The bird jerked at the sound of my voice.

“Whisper, please. Don’t startle him.” She darted a quick look at me.

Pressing my lips together, I gave her a nod. Now that her eyes were locked with mine, I couldn’t help but stare into their blue depths. God, I had missed her. For a moment, she watched me just as intently, but then she quietly cleared her throat and focused on the little guy between us. “Cup your hands.”

I obeyed. I’d do anything she asked. Still in a daze, I hadn’t processed what she was doing, and all of a sudden, the bird was in my hands, and she had the towel wrapped over the little creature’s beak and head.

“W-what are you doing?” I stuttered. Fuck. I was holding a wild, germ-infested animal in my hands. My heart was racing for a completely different reason now. I had to fight the urge to leap away. I couldn’t hurt the little guy more than I already had.

The corner of her mouth lifted. “Helping him. It’s a sedative. I’ll need to crate him and take him back to the office, but sedating him will make it less traumatizing.”

The bird twitched, and then warm liquid oozed into my palm.

My stomach lurched, and I gasped. “It’s leaking.”

“Leaking?” Cocking one brow, she looked at me, then the bird. When she focused on it, her lips twitched almost imperceptibly. “Ah. Sometimes, when they’re sedated, they release their bowels. It’s normal.”

Release theirwhat?

“Oh shit.” Mason Dumpty clapped his hands behind me.

“Literally.” Bosco laughed.

Literally? Ice ran through my veins as I searched my Blondie, hoping to hell she was messing with me. But then the smell hit me. I dipped my head again and studied the thing in my hands.

Shit…as in, this thing shit in my hands.

My stomach flipped like I’d just crested the hill of the world’s tallest roller coaster.

I did not have bird shit in my hands. No way.

Closing my eyes, I swallowed once and then again. When I cracked them again, sure enough, ugly green goo coated my palm. The substance wasn’t quite liquid, but it wasn’t quite solid either. My stomached heaved. I was not puking in front of this woman. No way. But damn, I wanted to.

“You okay, Dragon?” Emerson stepped up beside me.

Holding my breath so as not to breathe in the acrid smell of this bird’s shit, I eyed my roommate, desperate for his help, but the jerk was silently laughing.

I glared at him, and the fucker only shrugged in response.

“Don’t worry.” Blondie patted my shoulder. “It’s the perfect consistency. Just like applesauce.”

A hoot of laughter came from behind me. I couldn’t tell who had a death wish. I was too busy gagging to find out. Applesauce would forever be on mydo not eatlist.

“And the olive-green color means he’s healthy.”

That was great news, butImight die.

The. Bird.Shit.In. My. Hand.