Page 103 of The Fall Out

I wrapped the lead around my hand and then, out of habit, I tapped my wrist twice. Was I nervous? No. Avery was it for me, and she felt the same. But those pregame jitters were hitting.

A chorus of good luck sentiments echoed behind me as I walked away.

Dean opened the door labeled employees only, and Puff and I slipped in. The room was all white, with six sets of half walls. Only a few housed actual bird’s nests. Avery was leaning against the half wall at the one farthest from the door.

Puff, likely noticing her, squeaked, startling me a little and ramping up my heart rate more.

“Shh,” she whispered. She barely glanced at us before turning back to the nest.

I settled in beside her and wrapped an arm around her waist. Two minutes later, the hole in one thin, speckled shell was big enough for the puffling’s head to pop through. The tiny creature was squeaking and squawking already. Puffette hovered over it, instantly calming her baby. “Congrats, Puff,” Avery murmured. “You’re officially Puff Daddy now.”

“And on that note,” I whispered into her ear. “Puff has something for you.”

Putting gentle pressure on her waist, I spun Avery to face us. She tilted her head, brow furrowed, and glanced back at Puffette and her puffling.

“Since we’re grandparents now, I thought it might be time to officially make us a family.” I tapped my chin, and Puff tilted his head back so his beak pointed to the ceiling.

The move exposed the diamond ring hanging from the white ribbon on Puff’s neck.

Avery’s eyes went wide, but she was frozen in place.

I dropped to one knee, careful not to jostle Puff.

With a squeak of her own, Avery covered her pretty pink lips with both hands.

“So what do you say, Blondie? Will you marry me?”

She blinked hard as tears pooled in her eyes, but she nodded vigorously.

On my shoulder, Puff mimicked the motion.

“Yes,” she whispered, yanking my hand to pull me to my feet. “Yes,” she said again, this time with her palms pressed to my face and her lips ghosting mine.

I slipped the string from around Puff’s neck and slid the ring onto her finger. Then I let Puff off his harness.

He flew straight over to Puffette and landed just behind the nest.

“It’s crazy how one slider led to the start of two perfect families.” Avery placed her hand over mine on the half wall in front of us.

The sight of my ring on her finger ignited a round of fireworks in my chest. I pressed a hand to her abdomen and pulled her back so she was flush against my chest. “Can’t complain about the fallout, though. Because Puff and I are both very lucky guys.”

Curious what is going while Emerson and Gianna live together…