Page 101 of The Fall Out

“I’ve always dreamed of the best for you. I can’t say I everimagined a hotheaded, explosive major league baseball player could fit into the future I hoped you’d have.” My dad shook his head. “But when Christian looked at me and told me to pull him, I knew you’d found the best kind of man.” Ducking his head, he swallowed thickly. “Because to him, you were more important than a baseball game.”

“She always will be,” Chris said, shifting to the edge of his seat.

Lips pressed in a straight line, my dad regarded me. “He loves you. And if I’m not mistaken, you just ran in here announcing that you loved him more than birds.”

Chris huffed a laugh beside me and brought our joined hands to his lips.

“Happy and treated well. That’s all I’ve ever wanted for you.” Dad pushed to his feet and moved around the desk to stand in front of us. “And if you’ve found that with Christian Damiano, then he is one lucky guy.”

With my heart in my throat, I jumped up and looped my arms around Dad’s waist. Although I didn’t need his blessing, it was nice to have.

“However,” my dad said as he stepped back. “From this point on, all the relationship drama stays at home and out of my locker room and stadium.”

“Yes, sir.” Chris nodded.

“Hannah’s already working on fixing all this”—Dad waved his hand—“mess of a night. But itwon’tbe a constant issue. Understood? Cleaning up the fallout today is one thing, but we have no interest in making this a habit.”

Dad continued to yammer on about rules and whatnot, but I just smiled at Chris. Looking at him, the only fallout I could imagine coming from the last year was a happily ever after.



“It’s dry.” Avery was trying her best not to cringe. “What did you do to it?” She pushed the chicken around on her plate.

Although I agreed with her, I’d never admit it, and I’d already eaten every bite.

“What do you meando to it?” Tom asked, stabbing a piece with his fork. “I baked it.”

“Kinda badly.” Avery frowned. “Do you have Nutella? That might help.”

My stomach rolled, and I fought a shudder. Avery’s food choices were always a bit weird.

“You mean to tell me you’re going to put peanut butter on your baked chicken?”

“It’s hazelnut butter.” Avery hopped up from her chair and shuffled to the kitchen.

Tom looked from his plate to mine. “Was it really that bad?”

“Not at all,” I lied.

As a guest in my girlfriend’s dad’s home, my jobwas to shut up and eat. We’d had dinner here a few times over the last couple of months, but it would take years for me to feel comfortable enough to tell Tom he was a terrible cook. Or maybe I never would.

On the mound and in the locker room, we had an open and honest relationship. At home, I kissed his ass. And that was fine.

Avery practically skipped back into the room with her nut butter. She’d just gotten the lid off when her phone buzzed on the table beside her plate.

We all froze as she read the message.

“It’s time!” she squealed. “They’re hatching.” She dropped her knife and snapped to her feet again. “Are you coming, Dad?”

“Yes.” He sighed. “I’ll go see the damn birds.” The man acted like he was put out, but he secretly loved Avery’s birds almost as much as I did. There wasn’t a single guy on the team, coaches included, who wasn’t a big fan of Puff.

“I’ll drive.” I snagged the keys off the table next to the door while Avery slid her shoes on.

“I’m texting Gianna. She and your dad will want to come too,” Avery said, already firing off messages.

I sighed.