Page 9 of Fated to Wolves

“Hey Tania.Heard your parents bought a place in town.”

I laughed, because if I ever thought I was going to surprise George, I was wrong.“Is there anything you don’t know?”

He shrugged.“I don’t know what’s going on with you right now.Something’s up.What is it?”

I swallowed hard.“I was hoping you wouldn’t mind hanging round for an hour to spot me?”

His eyebrows climbed his forehead.“Pushing some upper limits?”

I nodded.“Yeah.That okay with you?”I usually trained alone.I was smart about my weights and had good technique, and I never worried about the fact I didn’t have a partner.

George grinned broadly.“Of course.I’ll get something to eat now, and push back my work-out an hour.Then I can be done in time with your shift ending.”He winked, turned tail and headed out the door again.

I waved, nervous excitement filling my belly.It couldn’t be true.Surely.But everything inside of me was excited, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that something fundamental had changed inside of me.

I finished my shift and closed the computer down.George had eaten and was now in the back, training hard.I changed the music to something more my style, a little lighter and more dance-oriented.I could practically hear his groan even before he released it.

“Oh.Shut up,” I called out.“Just gonna change.Will be back in five.”

I rushed upstairs to my apartment, threw on some workout clothes and came down to train with George, not sure what we were might both be about to discover.



My heart was pumping a little harder, excitement warring with apprehension in my head.What if I was wrong about the genie power?Hopefully I wasn’t about to tear a muscle or hurt my back.

“So, what are we starting with?”George called, grabbing his dark towel and wiping his sweat-covered face.

“Maximum dead lifts.”

George frowned.“You haven’t warmed up yet.”

I walked over to the bar, setting the weight to forty pounds heavier than I’d ever lifted before.Suicide for any normal person.

“Please, George.Just trust me on this.Spot me.Okay?”

He groaned and moved into place to catch the bar if I needed him.“Fine.But when you do your back, just know, my healing fees are not cheap!”

I bent my knees and reached for the bar.My fingers wrapped around the metal pole and I grabbed on tight, centering myself and getting ready to lift.

My magic surged inside me, powerful and far stronger than it had ever been in the past.

I pushed my weight into my heels, brought the bar up my body, took a breath, then exhaled as I pushed it above my head.

There was no strain.No pain.No tension, even.

It was as easy as lifting my washing basket above my head.I laughed.Then dropped it like it was nothing.

The thump of the heavy weights against the mat made a loud noise, and I twisted around to grin up at George.“That was awesome.”

George was gaping at me.He didn’t speak, simply walked up to the weights, and slid on forty more pounds.

I frowned.Wasn’t that a step too far?“Seriously?I just did a personal best, George.I was happy to leave it there.”

He chuckled.“You did that easily.Stop fooling around and lift something.”

I couldn’t believe he was pushing me to lift something so heavy.I added up the weight and shook my head.Half the power-lifting men I knew wouldn’t lift this weight at all.