Page 65 of Fated to Wolves

Jack’s hand gripped my arm, turning me toward him.“Explain.”

I sighed and gave him, and Sue, a rundown on what we’d told Tania.

When I was finally done, Sue’s eyes filled with tears.“Oh baby, you silly, silly girl.”

“But the fated mates bond isn’t magic!”Mase ground out between clenched teeth.“I still want her, my heart’s fucking broken.I…” He stopped talking when his throat closed up.

Then he walked away to the kitchen, the farthest he could get in this tiny space.

Sue stood up and brushed her tears away.“Jack.Pick Tania up and let’s put her on her bed.I need to undo this backlash somehow.”

A phone began to ring, and as Jack picked up Tania, I saw her cell phone vibrating and lighting up on the carpet where she’d been.

I picked it up and I have no idea why, but something told me to answer it.Her screen said ‘Jaydy’ and I was pretty sure I’d met that woman at some stage.

I hit the speaker phone and said, “Ah… hello.This is Leo.”

“Leo!Where’s Tania?Is she okay?I had the strangest feeling…”

Sue came running back to me and grabbed the phone.“Jaydy!It’s Sue.I need help.Can you come?”

There was no answer, but instead, a large, curvy blonde materialized in the living room.

“Whoa.”I gaped at her.“That was awesome.”

Sue stared at Jaydy.“That’s some impressive magic, Jaydy.Since when could you do that?”

Jaydy shrugged.“A couple of weeks?I don’t know what happened, but I got more magic overnight.”

Sue frowned.“Something’s gone on here that Tania hasn’t been honest about, and once she’s awake, we’ve gotta get to the bottom of it.”

I didn’t know what they were talking about, but I didn’t ask.I was pretty sure I’d find out soon enough.

“How can I help?”Jaydy asked, grabbing an elastic from her wrist and sweeping her long hair up into a ponytail.


Sue and Jaydy headed off to Tania’s bedroom and I joined my brother in the kitchen where he was still standing.

“I don’t understand all this,” I said, pressing my shoulder into Mase’s arm, “But we are not losing her.Not now.”

“Not ever,” Mase whispered.

“Do you want to go?”I asked him, not sure what Mase needed to feel better at this point.“Do you wanna run?Go get Mom and Dad?”

Mase turned to stare at me.“Do you think they could help?”

I shrugged.“No idea.They could at least give her a different perspective on the fated mates link, and how normal and natural it is for us.”

Mase pressed his lips into a thin line.“I don’t want to miss Tania waking up.”

Jack stepped out of the bedroom.“You’ve got a while.It’s going to take Sue a bit to find the right counter spell, then Tania’s going to need to rest.”

Mason stared at the man we’d hoped would be our future father-in-law.“Jack, we didn’t mean to?—”

“This isn’t your fault,” Jack said gruffly, glancing at his feet.“If anything, it’s mine.”

“How?”I asked.That didn’t make any sense.