Page 51 of Fated to Wolves

I couldn’t tell them how much I truly admired that about them.I still had to fight tears when I thought about the way Mason and Leo had held their parents tight when they were finally human again.

“Then you’re in?You want to be with us as well?”Leo said, a hopeful grin lighting his face.

I couldn’t grasp the idea that they wanted me at all, let alone forever.“So… you guys don’t want to go home tonight?”

Leo outright laughed, and Mason grinned.I wasn’t sure if I should be offended or not.

“Not unless you’re coming with us,” Leo said.

“You don’t look convinced that we want you.”Mason got to his feet where I could now see the growing erection between his legs.

His cock was literally growing before my eyes, thickening and lengthening.

He reached for my hand and pulled me to my feet.“Would you like me to show you again how much I need you?”

I let him tug my hand to his cock so I could feel the heat of his flesh once more.But my heart was struggling with how this all felt.I wasn’t sure that spending more time bonding with these wolves would be good for me in the long run.

I bit my lip and said as gently as possible, “Um… I’m a little sore.Do you think we could postpone…”

Mason stepped away as quick as a flash.“Shit.Sorry.I didn’t even think.”

I wasn’t that sore, but I needed a break to let my heart and brain catch up a bit.My body was on board with more pleasure.The rest of me was worried about what sort of future I could expect.

But the fact that he wanted me again so soon made me pause.Maybe more sex wouldn’t be a bad thing?Mason was right about one thing.Their cocks didn’t lie.They were truth detectors for attractiveness, in the extreme.

Mason tugged me toward the bed.“No.I was being selfish.I’m sorry.Let’s get some sleep.What time do you normally get up?”

I glanced at the clock and somehow it was almost eleven p.m.“Um.I’m on early shift, so sixish.”

“Perfect,” Leo said, jumping under the covers again.“We get up around six too.”

He pulled back the blankets and I stood by the side of my bed, gaping at him.“You want to stay the night?”

Leo grinned at me.“You’re really not understanding what we’re saying.”He patted the bed.“Come.Sleep with us.”

“Hang on.,” I said, casting a spell to elongate the king bed into a super king, then added another two pillows from my stock in one of the wardrobe cupboards.

Leo glanced over to where the carpet area had shrunk.“Now that’s freaking cool.”

The large bed was now three pillows wide, so we could sleep relatively separately.

Happy with the space, I conjured up a black tank top and underwear to sleep in and crawled into the middle.

“Oh, that’s not cool,” Leo said with a pout.“That’s sad is what that is.”

I laughed a little at his pout, despite my nerves about the situation.“I can’t sleep naked.”I lay down on the cool sheets and pulled the covers up.

That wasn’t exactly true.I didn’t enjoy it when I had in the past because I felt too vulnerable when I was alone, and right now I couldn’t imagine trying to sleep naked with them on each side of me.

Mason slid under the covers and came at me to cuddle.Leo converged too.Each of them grabbed a leg or an arm and seemed to want my head on their chest.

I laughed again as they pulled at me, fighting like kids over a toy.“You know I made the bed bigger so we could each have a pillow and not have to sleep like a pile of puppies.”

“Oh.”Leo pulled away, frowning.“Okay.”

Mason did the same thing.Their unhappiness filled the room.

I buried my face in the pillow and turned off the lights with my magic.“Goodnight.”