Page 24 of Ace

Amanda slammed her cutlery down on the table. “Are you fucking kidding me? Really? You’re making shit up now? What? To get back at Rube? Because he found someone? Real mature, asshole.”

Before he could even process what she was saying, Olivia pushed her chair back and started yelling at Amanda.

“Are you fucking serious?” Olivia threw her hands up. “Just because you’re drinking the Ruben Kool-Aid doesn’t mean that everyone else’s lives revolve around him.”

Those two started a screaming match that their mother tried to stop while the men at the table all got real busy doing nothing.

Kody turned to Katelynn and said, “This is why I stay away.”

He’d never seen his sister look as apologetic as she did right then. It wasn’t her fault, though, so he bit back the things he really wanted to say and pushed his chair back. He got up and opened his mouth to say goodbye but quickly realized that no one would hear him over the girls, so instead, he turned around and walked out of there.

When the front door closed behind him, he pulled out his phone and called Ace. The second the man’s voice sounded in his ear, he felt his heart rate slow back down.

“Not even two hours. You okay?”

Kody grunted, then said, “I’ve got one word for how it went: Disaster.”

“Shit. You okay to drive? I can swing by and pick you up?”

“No, I’m okay. Just meet me at home?”

“You got it.”

He’d barely hung up when he heard the door open behind him and whirled around to find Ruben standing there.

“You moved on fast, huh?” Ruben said with a scowl on his face.

Kody could only sigh.

“You’re one to talk.”

Ruben crossed his arms and gave Kody a scathing look.

“You know how much it hurts your sisters that you don’t want to see them?”

Cold slithered down his spine, quickly followed by a wave of explosive anger.

“Well, if they stopped bringing you along to everything, then it wouldn’t be a problem, would it?”

“Are you really that fucking petty?” Ruben snapped at him.

“Yes. Yes, I’m that fucking petty. I’m so petty, in fact, that I don’t want to see my ex who broke my heart and then told me to my face that I was never good enough for him. So fucking petty of me.”

Ruben’s jaw ticked for a second before he hissed, “I never said that.”

“Yeah, you fucking did. ‘I want more. I want better.’ Fuck you.”

He turned on his heels and walked with fast strides to his car, grateful that Ruben didn’t follow him.



ADMITTING TO himself that he cared enough about Kody to be worried hadn’t been hard at all, surprisingly. Well, when he thought about it, was it really that surprising? Kody was kind, funny, and sexy, and he clearly thought Ace was worth his time. How could he not want to be around him? How could he not like him?

He was sitting in one of the two chairs on Kody’s front porch when a car drove up the driveway. He was up before Kody had even parked. The tremble in Kody’s voice when he’d called had had him ready to charge over there and… well, he’d promised Kody he wouldn’t kill anyone. He hadn’t promised not to hurt anyone, though.

He was rounding the car when Kody got out and slammed the door. Ace had him in his arms the next second. Kody burrowed into him, holding on tight as he pressed his face against Ace’s shoulder.