Page 72 of Ace

A short woman with dark gray hair and big blue eyes gave Kody a surprised look.

“Oh. Hello,” she said.

“Hi. I’m Kody.”

“Hello, Kody. I’m Anita,” she said and then leaned into Ace and asked in a stage-whisper, “Is he the reason for your bi-panic?”

“I didn’t panic,” Ace grumbled.

“I’ll have to agree with that,” Kody said, grinning at Ace.

Anita gave him a knowing and disapproving look that had him coughing, then clearing his throat, heat rising to his cheeks.

“So, what happened? Did you hurt yourself?” Anita asked.

Ace shrugged and said, “It was just a little.”


Ace nodded.

“How bad?” she asked, a skeptical look in her eye as she gave him a not-so-subtle once-over.

“Not anywhere near as bad as last time. Just some scrapes and bruises,” Ace said, and at his mom’s sharp intake of breath, he hurried to add, “I’m fine. It’s nothing.”

“Wait.” Kody cocked a brow at Ace. “How many times have you crashed because you didn’t get hurt when you crashed into me?”

“You crashed into Kody?”

Ace’s eyes got wide, and he stammered out some nonsense before he finally said, “It was nothing. That was weeks ago.”

Anita turned her gaze on Kody and asked, “That’s how you met?”

Kody nodded and said, “He made quite the entrance.”

“Hey, it worked, didn’t it?” Ace said with a shrug.

“Oh, it did.” He gave Ace a teasing smile. “The second time worked even better.”

“The second time? You’ve crashed into Kody twice?” Anita snapped, slapping the back of Ace’s head. “And you didn’t fucking tell me?”

Ace looked like a small kid who’d just been scolded as he mumbled, “Sorry, Mom.”

“To be fair,” Kody said, trying his best not to smile, “The first crash was quite embarrassing.”

“Hey, it’s not my fault you put a firetruck in the middle of the road,” Ace exclaimed.

Ace’s mom’s loud sigh had Kody laughing.

“You crashed into a firetruck? You just told me you had a small crash and firefighters helped you out. Dear lord. What have I done wrong in this life?” Anita muttered with the back of her hand across her forehead. Guess he knew who Ace got his melodramatic side from.

She linked her arm with Kody’s and pulled him toward the couch while saying, “You seem like a good boy, Kody, and I seem to need a new son. What do you say to adoption?”

“I think that can be arranged,” he said and looked over his shoulder at Ace, sharing a happy smile with him.


Kody and his mom were getting on great. Not that he’d expected otherwise. They were both amazing people. But it was such a great feeling to know that the two people he loved the most got along.