Page 69 of Ace

Inez looked up, confusion on her face for a moment before the tiniest smile appeared on her lips.

“Boy,” she said in a near-whisper.

“A boy, huh? He’s a lucky kid to have such a strong mom like you.”

“Strong?” She shook her head. “I got myself kidnapped.”

Now Ace was the one to shake his head. “No, you didn’t. They kidnapped you and you kept yourself alive. You kept all the girls alive from what Luna told me. You took care of everyone. You’re strong as hell, lady.”

He managed to get a wobbly smile out of her, and she patted his hand.

“Do you know what you’re gonna name him? You know what a good boy’s name would be? Ace.”

The groans from his brothers had him protesting their meanness.

Inez huffed and shook her head.

“I’ll add it to my list,” she said.

Ares walked back into the room saying, “The King’s doctor and Nash are waiting for us at their clubhouse.”

Almost as if the contractions knew, they started up again.

“Come on. We’ve gotta get going,” Griff said, waving everyone out of the room.

They walked Inez outside, and he tried to be as gentle as possible when he helped her into the car Razor had waiting for her.

“Thank you,” she said.

He gave her hand a squeeze before letting go and closing the door. Diesel got in the car with Razor and Inez to help her on the way to Baltimore, while the rest of them headed back to their bikes so they could get the hell out of there.

He grabbed his helmet but before he could put it on, he felt his phone buzzing and pulled it out of his pocket.

He had several missed calls and one text that made his blood run cold.

Luna’s missing.



THE POLICE cars in front of Kody’s house had him imagining the worst. He shoved his gun into his bike’s seat compartment because it was of the untraceable and unlicensed kind. The last thing he needed right now was to get caught with a gun that had the serial number filed off.

He ran up the porch steps and through the front door, yelling, “Kody?”

“In here,” Kody yelled back.

His voice sounded normal. Calm. It made him slow down just a tiny bit, which was probably for the best because the two cops in the living room both tensed and put their hands on their guns when he stepped through the doorway.

He jerked to a halt and raised his hands, not wanting anything bad to go down in front of Kody.

Kody was sitting on the couch between Cora and his other firefighter friend. He got up and walked around the coffee table and past the cops to wrap his arms around Ace.

“You okay?” Ace asked as he pulled Kody closer, gaze locked on the two cops.

“I’m fine,” Kody mumbled. “It’s the girls I’m worried about.”

“What happened?”