Page 55 of Ace

“Ace,” Kody gasped out.

Hearing his name on Kody’s lips pushed him over the edge, though it felt more like it threw him right off a cliff. The pleasure bursting through him was so intense his hips stuttered, and his eyes rolled into the back of his head.

A hand on his chest caused a shiver to rock through him and when he opened his eyes to look down at Kody, his breath got caught in his lungs.

Kody’s red hair was plastered to his forehead, his brown eyes staring up at Ace with a soft, warm look in them. He was so fucking gorgeous.

He dropped on top of Kody, smiling when the man wrapped his arms around him.

He pulled back just long enough to get rid of the condom, then pulled the covers over them and slid in behind Kody, putting his arm around him to hold him close.


Ace felt so good against him. He was warm and soft and the way he held onto his waist was beyond just sexy. It was comforting. It was the best feeling ever.

He didn’t want to get up, but his stomach rumbling had him huffing out a laugh and sitting up. Ace tightened his hold around him, but he pulled the covers off them, making Ace let go of him to curl up with a hiss.

“Why are you so mean?” Ace grumbled.

“I’m mean because I want to feed you?”

Ace opened one eye. “Yes?”


He realized he was smiling, and he didn’t want to stop. Ace just made him so fucking happy. He never felt like he was in the way. He never doubted Ace’s love. This was how it was supposed to be. He knew that now.

He walked downstairs and grabbed some eggs, butter, and spices to make breakfast. He cracked the eggs and mixed in the spices while the butter melted on the pan. He made the first omelet then grabbed some cheese for Ace’s and got started on his.

He was busy transferring Ace’s omelet from the pan to a plate when he heard footsteps in the hallway. He turned and found Ace leaning against the wall, looking so fucking sexy with his tousled hair and low-slung sweatpants. He was going to host a petition to make Ace wear sweatpants every day because hot damn. They left nothing to the imagination even though they covered everything, and it was almost hotter than seeing the man naked.

“Come on. Let’s eat,” he said grabbing their plates to carry them to the dining table and Ace grabbing his ass when he walked past him had him shaking his head, a smile on his lips.

They ate in silence. Mostly because Ace was busy stuffing his mouth and Kody was busy watching him. How had he gotten so lucky to have a man like Ace fall in love with him?

Ace burped loudly, then patted his stomach.

“You’re so attractive,” he teased.

Ace gave him a toothy grin and said, “In that case, I think you’ll really like my farts.”

Kody chuckled and flipped him off with a shake of his head.

They dumped their dirty dishes into the dishwasher and went to sit down on the couch, and he knew instantly that something was up when Ace got a somber look on his face.

“I need to tell you something,” Ace said and took Kody’s hands in his. “I need to tell you… everything.”


Ace started talking about what he and his biker brothers did and the longer Ace talked, the harder he fell. They were good people doing bad things for good reasons. If he was to believe Ace. Even though he knew Cora would think him an idiot for believing it?hell, most people probably would?he still did.

Ace was the kind of man who would kill to keep someone he cared about safe. It wasn’t that big of a stretch to believe he would do the same for other people. Everything he knew about motorcycle clubs was wrong where Ace and his club were concerned. They didn’t sell drugs or guns. According to Ace, they used to, but now they spent their time saving people in need.

“Please tell me I didn’t just ruin everything,” Ace said, voice trembling.

Kody met Ace’s gaze and smiled.

“You didn’t. You just further cemented that you’re the kind of man I always thought you were. My hero.”