Page 49 of Ace

“If Ares had gone after me before I was ready, we wouldn’t be together right now,” Jace said.

Ace nodded, trying to take in what Jace was saying.

“What if he’s never ready?” he asked in a whisper.

“Oh, buddy,” Jace said and put a hand on his shoulder. “If he loves you, it’ll happen. Maybe not as soon as you want it to, but trust me, love always finds a way.”

He hoped so. He really fucking hoped so because despite them only having been together for a short period of time, he felt like he’d be lost without Kody. He may be the one who’d quite literally crashed into Kody’s life, but Kody had turned his world upside down and carved out a hole in his heart that could only be filled by Kody. There was no one else for him. He knew that the same way he knew he was right-handed, the same way he knew that he loved chocolate. He’d never felt so grounded yet also so full of joy and love as he did when he was with Kody.

Jace looked over Ace’s shoulder, surprise spreading on his face.

“Guess I might’ve been right,” Jace said.

Ace turned to look over his shoulder and his heart started beating frantically the second his gaze landed on Kody. He was standing in the middle of the room, glancing around while nervously clenching and unclenching his hands until his eyes met Ace’s gaze.

Ace got up slowly, his hands shaking as Kody walked toward him. The closer Kody got, the faster his heart beat. He didn’t know why Kody was there. If he would hit him or kiss him when he got close enough.

Kody did neither. He wrapped his arms around Ace and dropped his head against his shoulder. Ace was too stunned to move for a moment, and it wasn’t until Jace grabbed his hand and moved it to make him put his arm around Kody that he snapped out of it.

He grabbed Kody tight, a shaky breath leaving him. It was as if his body had forgotten how to live, how to breathe, without Kody there. When he drew in a deep breath and Kody’s cologne filled his nose, his knees almost gave out.


He knew it was stupid to not care what Ace had done or might do. He knew the smart decision was to walk away from Ace and never think of him again, but he couldn’t. Ace was everything to him. Ace made him feel good. He made him feel worthy and loved.

Ace hadn’t just killed someone. He’d put his own life in danger to protect him. He’d crashed his bike for him. He’d held him when he’d been in shock despite the cops aiming guns at him. No one had ever made him feel like he meant everything to them. He’d never had someone risk prison-time for him.

He leaned back in Ace’s arms and Ace had an almost dumbfounded look on his face as he stared at him. His hair was a mess, and he wasn’t sure when the man last had a shower, but he’d take smelly Ace over no Ace any day.

“I love you, too,” Kody said.

Ace released a loud breath and almost crumbled to the floor in front of him. He managed to grab him by the arms and guide him to the couch. He maneuvered Ace down onto it and sat next to him.

“You okay?”

Ace nodded, then shook his head.

“This is what a heart attack feels like,” Ace said under his breath.

Kody couldn’t help his snort of laughter.

Ace gave him a dubious look and grumbled, “I thought you were supposed to take heart attacks seriously?”

“I would, but you’re not having a heart attack. You’re just being dramatic.”

Ace puffed his chest up and opened his mouth, then stared at Kody who was grinning at him. He closed his mouth and leaned back on the couch, arms crossing while his bottom lip thrust out in a pout.

“If you were me right now, you’d be dramatic, too.”

“Oh, I’m sure I would,” Kody said and cupped Ace’s face in his hands.

“Kody,” Ace said on a shaky breath.

“I know.”

He leaned in and the second Ace’s lips were on his, he felt like someone had lit him on fire. In a good way. He was burning with need for this man who was so ready to sacrifice everything for him. He knew he’d never find another man who could love him the way Ace loved him.

He slid into Ace’s lap, arms wrapping around the back of his neck, fingers threading through his hair. Ace’s lips against his, Ace’s tongue tangling with his, it felt like heaven.