Page 25 of Ace

“They suck,” Ace said.

Kody hummed, then leaned back just enough to meet Ace’s gaze.

“I can’t believe Olivia defended me. Shit. I can’t believe I ran out of there,” Kody said, dropping his head forward with a deep sigh.

“Sometimes, you gotta do what’s best for you, no matter if others get butthurt over it,” Ace said.

Kody was quiet for a long moment, so Ace pulled back, hands on Kody’s shoulders.


“It’s too early for this, isn’t it?” Kody mumbled without looking up.

“Nah. I think it’s right on time.”

Kody did look up then, confusion and hope in his eyes.


“Yeah,” he said with a shrug. “If we can handle each other’s tough shit now, imagine what we can handle later on?”

Kody shook his head, his smile warming Ace to the core.

“I just wanted us to have a nice weekend of fucking and getting to know each other. I didn’t think there’d be this little fucking and you ending up knowing this much about my annoying family.”

Ace’s lips quirked up.

“There’s still time for fucking,” he said, wagging his brows at Kody.

Kody’s chuckle made his heart do that weird thing again. He was pretty sure he knew what it was now, and it wasn’t a heart attack.

“Raincheck on that?”

Ace nodded. “Wanna cuddle on the couch and talk shit about your family?”

“Cuddle, yes. Talking, no. Let’s just watch a movie or something.”

He wrapped an arm around Kody and led them to the front door. Once they were inside and on the couch, Kody positioned himself between Ace’s legs, his back against Ace’s chest, and when they were only halfway through the movie and Kody fell asleep, he simply wrapped his arms tighter around him and let him sleep.


He was glad he’d been smart enough to turn off his phone before getting out of the car yesterday because the second he turned it on, it blew up with missed calls and a ton of messages. He released a frustrated breath and considered turning it off again and just ignoring his family.

Arms wrapped around him from behind and he couldn’t keep from smiling as Ace pressed against him.

“Time to face the music?” Ace asked.


Ace’s chuckle, Ace’s breath on the side of his neck, it sent goosebumps down his arm and back.

He’d woken with a kink in his neck and had almost fallen off the couch. He hadn’t realized he’d fallen asleep against Ace last night. Not that he was complaining. Ace should, though. He doubted the man had walked away from that night without being at least a little sore.

He turned in Ace’s arms and that smile on his face only got bigger when Ace pressed their lips together.

“Want me to sit with you? Hold your hand through it?”

If anyone else had asked, he would’ve thought they were joking. Not Ace, though. He knew the man had a cheeky side, but he also had this genuine and caring side to him that had Kody’s heart fluttering every single time he got a glimpse of it.