Page 4 of Jace

“Making sure you don’t fuck up.”

He really shouldn’t have been hurt by Ares’ lack of confidence in him, but he couldn’t help it. If there was one guy he didn’t want to look bad to, it was Ares. He’d never met anyone like him. It was as if the man could command any room just by his presence alone. Or maybe it was just because whenever they were in the same room, Jace couldn’t stop looking at him or listening to him. He was embarrassingly drawn to the man.

“What are they gonna do if they find out?” Jace asked.

He knew his brother would lose his shit.

“They won’t find out,” Ares said.

He wished he shared Ares’ confidence.

Ares made a motion for Jace to follow him and led the way around the building to the back door.

He still couldn’t figure out why Ares was doing this for him. They’d barely exchanged more than a few words the past eight months, so why was he here? In his experience, no one did anything without wanting something in return.

Even though he feared what the answer might be, he still asked, “Why are you doing this?”

Ares glanced over his shoulder at him and whatever he saw on Jace’s face—fear. It was probably fear—had him turning around and walking up to Jace.

His heart started hammering harder and harder in his chest the closer Ares got and he wasn’t so sure it was from fear.

“Your brother’s a piece of shit,” Ares said, his gaze piercing as he stared into Jace’s eyes. “You’re not.”

Jace blinked and then Ares was turning back around and walking off.

What the hell did that even mean?

He sighed to himself and hurried to catch up with Ares. He’d already gotten the back door open when he reached him, so they walked inside, and he felt those damned nerves getting to him again. He tried his best to breathe through it and remind himself that he wasn’t alone. Ares was right there with him.

They didn’t turn the lights on, but the street light was shining through the windows so at least they weren’t completely in the dark. They stepped into what looked like a glorified living room filled with couches, empty liquor bottles, and a huge TV on the wall. He looked around and his heart started beating faster the second he saw the bat lying on a coffee table.

“Go grab it,” Ares said.

Jace nodded and walked past the couches to reach the coffee table. His hands were clammy as all hell and they were shaking, too. He needed to grab it and get out of there. Fast.

He wrapped a hand around the bat and lifted it off the table. He tried not to think too hard about all the dark spots on it.

He turned around and found Ares staring at him so intently he had to repress a shiver. He swallowed hard and kept his gaze on the ground as he followed Ares back the way they’d come.

When they stepped out of the back door, he tried to be as silent as possible as he closed it behind him. Ares gave him a look he couldn’t quite place and then he shook his head a little before turning and walking away.

They were just about to cross the street when he heard a car close by, its headlights moving across the building in front of them. He knew it had to be someone from the gang and if they saw him… if they saw him with the bat…

Oh shit.

His body froze while his brain screamed at him to move. He was stuck staring as the light got closer and closer.

A gasp tore from his lips when he was jerked back. His heart hammered so hard in his chest he felt like it was being trampled on by an elephant. He sucked in a breath, eyes refocusing to see Ares in front of him. Ares had one hand around his on the bat to keep him from dropping it, the other over his mouth. Ares shushed him and looked to his left, watching closely as the light disappeared.

It took him a moment to realize that Ares had him pressed against a wall, his body right up against his. It felt too good. Ares felt too good.

He squeezed his eyes closed while he tried to get his traitorous dick under control. Now was definitely not the time.

Not like there would ever be a time. Not in the club and definitely not with Ares, as much as his dick wished there would be.

“Let’s go,” Ares said in a low hiss as he pulled away.

When Ares’ heat disappeared, he felt almost weightless as if Ares had been grounding him somehow. He’d liked that feeling. He’d liked it too much.