"Hey there," Levi greeted him, waving with the brush.
Paint flecked along the alpha's arms and clothing, and he looked a little sweaty in the fading afternoon heat, but Elias wanted to wrap his body around Levi, regardless. For some reason, this alpha was his go-to when in need of comfort during pregnancy.At first, it provoked complaints from the others, but they eventually became accustomed to it.
It was beyond his control. Every time Levi touched him, Elias' muscles slumped, and a tense breath left his lungs. It was like the babies recognized Levi as someone who protected them or something. Elias didn't question it, seeking it out more than ever the closer the birth hovered.
"Hi," he murmured, sitting on the stairs a few feet away with great difficulty.
Levi reached out, hovering his hand beside Elias' elbow in case he tipped too far to one side. The Goddess knew it had happened before. With the mess his center of gravity was these days, he was as clumsy as a cow.
"Did you come out to make sure I'm working hard?"
Elias huffed a laugh, settling on the topmost stair. "Sure, let's go with that. It's totally not because I desperately needed both fresh air and a chance to get away from the insistent advertisement of snacks."
Levi grinned and set aside his paintbrush, moving to sit side by side with Elias, dark eyes crinkling at the corners. "I won't tell you if you don't."
Their shoulders bumped together as they dropped back to lean their elbows on the wood, letting their full weight fall back onto the porch. The babies shifted, rolling over and punching Elias in the ribs.
He winced, rubbing out the spot and looking over the sunset in the distance. It fell beyond the wall inch by inch, bathing the fields on the outskirts of Hamton with golden light. It was a stunning view, and he eagerly anticipated the arrival of their rocking chairs to sit out here with his baby boys in his arms.
What had happened to him?
He wasn't the same hard ass he'd been last year, but maybe that was fine. Maybe change was for the best, sometimes. Especially if it brought him this much joy. Peace of mind he could feel thrumming through every vein from the moment he woke up to the time he fell asleep wrapped around his alphas. It was contentment. Elias knew it was. An emotion he hadn't felt before meeting his pack. Tears sprung to his eyes at the thought, and he cursed his hormones.
Levi's large hand came to cover Elias' on his stomach, squeezing. He looked up at his alpha, a single tear slipping down his left cheek. His alpha wiped it away as quickly as it fell.
"Why are you crying?"
"I'm happy," Elias admitted."To have my alphas, my babies, my new homeā¦"
The tears brimmed, threatening a genuine breakdown, and once he started there would be no stopping it. Levi turned on his side, fully facing Elias and continuing to cup his cheek, one thumb brushing along it. Elias leaned into the touch, nuzzling his alpha's palm, anticipating the comforting words that would surely be spoken. What he said was always exactly what Elias needed to hear.
"I'm blessed for all that and more," Levi replied, voice pitched low. "There's nowhere else I'd rather be than here, building a life with you."
Those words were so sugar sweet they made his tears fall, streaking down his cheeks in rivers. His alpha sighed fondly, wiping them away with soft coos as Elias cried. He balled his fist and slammed it into Levi's chest with no force.
"You were supposed to stop me from crying!" He accused.
His alpha laughed. "I tried! You're the one who gets all emotional over bad and good things! I can't win."
"Fine, I'll give you that one."
With that, he tilted his face for a kiss. Their mouths melded together seamlessly, one breath shared. Elias placed one hand around Levi's neck as he scooted as close to his alpha as his enormous belly would allow. Heat roared through him, boiling his blood as Elias squirmed and pressed his thighs together. He was familiar with the rules, and one kiss shouldn't have aroused him so much, but it had been a while.
They broke apart, both panting softly as they pressed their foreheads together, the light of the sun hot on the skin. This perfect moment felt suspended in time, hovering and waiting to drop and shatter. But Levi would catch it, and if he failed, one of Elias' other pack mates was there. They'd leap, bend, and contort to ensure his happiness.
"I love you," he murmured.
Levi smiled against Elias' mouth, kissing him once more. "I love you too, and the same goes for the little ones in your stomach. I can't wait to meet them. I know at least one will have my eyes."
"You know he will?"
"Yes, I'm banking on it."
Elias poked him in the side, lips pursed. "You have a bet going with the others, don't you?"
Levi shied away, mock gasping. "How rude of you to assume!"
"I understand you more deeply than you understand yourselves. Of course you have a bet on whose sperm won out."