Page 62 of The Fixer

He gives her a surprised expression before schooling his face into something more neutral. I don’t think he’s used to being admonished by his sister.

“If you think I’m mad, wait until you see Papà and Mama. They’re furious.”

“Tattletale,” I sarcastically joke.

“Can you two get over yourselves? I don’t care who’s mad. I made my decision and you’ll all be spending more time together.” She crosses her arms, looking at both of us insistently.

I stare him down, willing myself not to imagine stabbing him in his sleep. Maddalena pouts, giving me a pleading look. I hate it, because it’s proof I’m disappointing her. Reluctantly, I extend my hand and we shake. I lean on the arm of the armchair and gesture for my wife to sit down.

“Now that you two dumb shits made up, let’s get to business. Seems like we have some Russian admirers,” Iron teases.

“We sure do,” Fox deadpans.

“So how do we handle them without causing mass unrest in the city?” Luca asks. “They already made it clear they want revenge for Artyom and Dmitri.”

Maddalena scoffs, crossing her legs and leaning back in her chair. “They’re delusional. Dmitri kidnapped me, kept me locked in a basement, and tried to force me to marry him. His family was obviously in on it. They have no right to retribution.”

“What do their allies think?” I ask. “The only way they’re going to be able to defend themselves from the three of us combined is if they get help.”

“The Chinese made it clear they’re staying neutral, as they’re allied with both of us. They don’t feel the Russians have a leg to stand on and rather not waste resources on a war,” Franco answers. “The Ukrainians and Albanians will fold as soon as we put pressure on them. They’re bullied into being under the Russian’s thumb.”

“The Magpies already called me to ask if Maddalena was okay and to offer their support if we need help with cleanup duty,” Max adds. “Their words, not mine.”

“Who are the Magpies?” I hear a few of the bikers ask. I’m not sure how they don’t know about them. They’re some of the most notorious thieves in New York City.

“They’re an offshoot of a gang from Northern Ireland. Not exactly friends of Nuova Notte, but they’re fond of Maddie.” Franco rolls his eyes.

“I saved their leader from an assassination attempt, and he’s my bestie,” she teases me, poking the jealous beast I try to keep caged up for her. She knows she’s doing it too if the smile on her face is any indication.

I lean down until my mouth is right next to her ear. “Maybe you won’t be there for the next attempt,” I whisper.

“So it seems most people are on the same page about the Russians.” Iron cracks his knuckles, then his neck. “What do you want to do about it, Franco? I’ll support your decision.”

“This is a joint decision between Nuova Notte and The Brigade, but I say it’s open season on the Russians. We take out their leadership, blow up their export centers on the docks, and pull some favors with our connections at the State Department to get their clubs and casinos shut down. Then we gobble them up at price.”

Maddalena and I make eye contact, and she nods at me. “Agreed, but I want anything under Dmitri’s name burned down.”

“I think that’s fair,” Franco adds.

The meeting continues on, and we plan out the logistics. At midnight, we’ll split into teams with preset targets and hit the Russians all at once on all sides. Nuova Notte and the Brigade will both call in markers with law enforcement, so we aren’t interrupted. If anything, we’re doing them a favor by cleaning up the streets.

At the end of the meeting, Maddie takes my hand and beckons for Franco to meet us by the bar.

“I need to talk to you privately.” Her face and body language are calm, but I have a feeling I know what’s upsetting her.

Franco leads us to an empty room down a hallway. It’s a storage room, with shelves of alcohol, beer kegs, and glassware. I pick up a glass with an art deco pattern, inspecting it to give them some semblance of privacy.

“Remember how Max and I would play restaurant here when we were little, and we’d beg you to order off our daily specials menu?” she asks him.

“Yeah, and the only thing on it was hugs and soda.” He laughs. “I’d have to pry you off sometimes.” He gives her a nostalgic smile, and even though he’s a fucking prick, it’s clear he loves her. “What’s eating you?”

“When I was captive in Dmitri’s basement, he told me I’m more trouble than I’m worth. JC said the same thing to me a few days ago at Vixen. I know he’s our brother, but Gabriele was a close friend of his since childhood…”

“You think he helped?” Franco’s question wasn’t doubtful or disbelieving.

“On the night I was kidnapped, Gabriele gave him a ride home while I was tied up and gagged in the backseat. He said some things about me that were hurtful and made it clear he thought looking for me was a waste of time. He also openly questioned you and Papà’s leadership by suggesting that you were letting The Brigade pull a fast one on us.”

I shatter the glass in my hand. They both turn their heads, a little stunned by my outburst.