Page 40 of The Fixer

“It’s completely unnecessary and an invasion of her privacy. I’m more than capable of keeping my own sister safe,” Luca growls, his face so red that it looks like a beefsteak tomato.

Ignoring Luca, I aim my gaze at Don Vettore and finally rip the bandage off. “Maddalena doesn’t want to be on a complete lockdown, and I highly doubt you’d do that to any of your sons if they were in the same position. Between the two of us, we have the resources to find out who this is, and I have the entirety of The Brigade behind me. I can keep her safe and insist on handling her security.”

The entire table falls silent. I’m sure no one ever disagrees with the big Vettore himself, but I have no plan of letting Maddalena out of my sight. She won’t be leaving here with her family.

“Garrix, can you please excuse us?” Don Vettore asks me.

“No, Papà. Anything you have to say regarding me, my stalker, or my safety is his business,” Maddalena pushes.

He sighs again, as if he’s caught between a rock and a hard place. And to be fair, he is. “I think it’s good you met someone you care about, but do you realize what this relationship will do?” She shakes her head. “It’s going to tip the power balance in this city. For the past two decades, we’ve worked hard to keep organized crime in this city on a low profile, so the streets are safe. The Brigade romantically aligning with Nuova Notte is going to throw everything out of balance.”

“Maybe, but let them come for us. They’ll learn pretty fast that we’re not the ones to fuck with,” she snarks. “This will also put the Russians and all the little gangs they crush under their boot in their place. Permanently.”

“I like the way you think.” I rub her forearm and she smiles.

“Is he coercing you into being with him?” Luca gives me a pointed glare.

“No. Do you really think I’m the type to let a man steamroll me?” she asks him.

“No, but I don’t trust him or The Brigade. They’re a bunch of criminals and thugs for hire, Mads. He may be using you to get into our inner circle and dismantle us from the inside.”

“Yeah, because I’d buy millions of dollars worth of weapons, deploy extensive resources, and fall for your daughter hard for the sake of a job. I’m that dedicated.” My sarcasm is so thick that I can’t help but roll my eyes. “Don’t talk shit about my people or call my integrity into question. The Brigade isn’t a bunch of criminals and thugs. We’re skilled mercenaries. Every job we accept is screened and we operate by our own code of ethics, much like Nuova Notte does.”

“Fucking doubt it,” Luca snarls.

“Oh yeah? We may steal bricks of cocaine from John F. Kennedy’s customs, but you’re the ones who sell it on the streets. We may topple governments and blackmail NYC officials, but guess who’s strip clubs we use to gather dirt? You may want to get off your high horse, because you’re no shining knight. Last time I checked, Nuova Notte meant new night, bro. And guess what? The Brigade operates in the darkness.”

Luca gets up, slamming both his hands on the table like he’s about to throw down. Don Vettore clears his throat, effectively silencing his son, who was milliseconds away from jumping across the table and fighting me. “You want to weigh in on this, Max?”

“I think it’s the right move. There’s safety in numbers, and putting some distance between Maddie and the family is a wise course of action. No matter where she is, I’ll always be able to find her, so no, I’m not worried.”

She smiles at her brother, who nods back.

“You’ll know Maddalena’s location and are free to visit, whenever you want,” I tell him. “I wouldn’t dream of separating you two.”

Vettore leans back in his chair, rubbing his chin in thought for several seconds. “Maddalena, do you trust Garrix? Do you want this?”

She doesn’t even hesitate to answer. “Yes, I trust him, Papà. He’ll keep me safe.”

“Don Vettore, I think this is for the best. Once we can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that it’s Dmitri, we’ll have to take him out. If The Brigade is on your side, then they’ll be less of a thorn in your side when they try to avenge him.”

“Alright. Our security details can touch base and set up a new plan. I still want some of my men to be involved in the implementation of it.” He and Max stand. “Maddie will give you my direct contact information. Please send me her location.”

“So we’re going to leave her with him? A guy we barely know?” Luca grouses from his seat.

“Yes. I don’t like it either, but he’ll keep her safe, and it’s what Maddie wants,” he replies.

“Don’t worry, Luca, I’ll keep in constant contact. I’ll be fine.” She gives him a hug, then Max. Her father hugs her the longest. On their way out, he shakes my hand at the door, then brings me in for one of those Italian man hugs.

“If one hair on her perfect head is out of place, I don’t give a fuck what society you’re part of. I’ll torture you to the brink of death, cut you into pieces, roast your flesh, and feed you to the fish in the Hudson. Then I’ll go after everyone you love until The Brigade is in shambles,” he whispers in my ear.

“Trust me, if I ever hurt your daughter, she’ll get to me before you ever could,” I remind him. “Is this the first step of bonding with my future father in law?”

He balks at my comment. “Yeah, let’s make sure she doesn’t get sick of you first,” he jabs back. I like him. He’s going to be fun to spend time with.

After they leave, Maddalena lets out a sigh. “That was ballsy. It could have gone an entirely different way if my papà wasn’t a man of reason. I wish you’d let me in on your plan.”

“Then it would have come off less organic. We riff so well off each other because we’re destined to be, kitten.” She raises a brow at me, as if I’m testing her patience. “He knows what’s best. And that’s you being with me. Let’s go, we need to relocate.”