Page 33 of The Fixer

“Don’t worry about the cleanup. I have a crew coming by, and your club will be right as rain in a few hours. Is there anything you want to say to your sister?” I ask John Carlo, giving him a chance to apologize.

“Yeah,” he rasps, rubbing his jaw. He’ll have a nice bruise there tomorrow. “You’re going to get yourself killed one day by being reckless. Papà should have never let you join Nuova Notte. When something happens to you, it’s going to break his heart.”

Maddie’s face is stone cold, void of emotion. Her eyes narrow on her brother, and I can tell by the way she clenches and unfurls her fist that she’s itching to tear him apart. She raises her hand with lightning quickness, slapping him instead. The clap of her hand meeting his face echoes off the walls, leaving everyone speechless.

She brings him in for a hug. He can barely stand up due to how hard I hit him and is forced to lean on her for support. She whispers in his ear, so low I have to strain to hear it. “One day when you’re old, gray, and alone, you’re going to wish you supported me instead of constantly going against me. You break our father’s heart every day by never measuring up to the son he needs you to be. Fuck off, John Carlo.”

She turns and walks back toward the employee entrance. “Ms. Vettore?” Maddalena stops, turning toward Dave. “Thank you for handling the Russians and stopping them from hurting more bouncers. If possible, I’d like to transfer to your crew, ma’am.”

She gives him a faint smile that can rival the Mona Lisa’s. “You’re welcome. It was my pleasure to help. I’ll get your information from Maximo and we’ll set up a meeting ASAP.”

John Carlo’s furious face falls, and he seems hurt. Maddalena doesn’t even notice though, holding her head high, keeping up her tough, bad bitch image that she shows the world. But I know her brother's words cut her to the core. She’d have to be an unfeeling monster to not be hurt by his bullshit.

When she breezes through the back door, I grab her by the elbow, steering her to my car, and push her against the door. She sniffles, a tear streaming down her cheek. I lick it off, savoring the salty flavor, then kiss her cheek, the tip of her nose, and her neck. Even when crying, my little killer is breathtakingly beautiful.

“Hey, look at me,” I say as she hides her face in my neck. I tip her chin up, forcing her to lock eyes with me. “You’re the most badass, beautiful woman I’ve ever met. He’s jealous because he’ll never measure up to you.”

She jumps into my arms, a clash of teeth and tongue. I bite her bottom lip, sucking it into my mouth to ease the sting. Fisting my fingers into her hair, I pull her back and angle her head just how I like it before devouring her. I could consume her for the rest of my life, live off her, and always feel satisfied. She wraps her leg around my waist, rubbing herself against me like a cat in heat.

“Take me somewhere—anywhere—I need you, Garrix.”

Hearing her breathy voice beg for me is a sweet kind of torture. The baser version of me would claim her right here in the parking lot, but she deserves better than that. I open her car door, helping her in and fastening her seatbelt. Hopping into the driver’s side, I lean across the center console to kiss her again. How did I go from hating kissing to wanting to kiss someone every second of every day?

“I’ll take you to my place, wash every drop of blood off your body, then spend the rest of the night making you filthy. How do you want me to do it?”

Her pupils are blown wide, her lips slightly parted. She takes a deep breath, nodding.

“Use your words, little killer. Tell me exactly what you want.” My hand moves up her thigh, under her dress until I’m caressing her over her lace thong.

“I-I want you to fuck me,” she rasps as her legs fall open for me.

I slip a finger under her gusset, stroking her clit in feather light circles. “How? With my fingers? My tongue? Do you want me to fuck your mouth or your pussy? Or maybe you’d let me fuck that juicy ass you’re always flaunting in my face, hmmm?”

She bucks her hips, trying to get more friction. “Please, I want your dick inside me.”

“I’m going to take you so hard, so deep, that the tears you cry will be from pure ecstasy. You’ll scream so loud for me that the entire neighborhood will know who you belong to, that you’re mine, Maddalena. Once we go there, I’ll never let you go.”

I slip two fingers inside her, curling them as I rub her clit with my thumb. Her soft whimpers and moans fill the car, hanging in the air and driving me crazy.

She pulls me to her by my shirt, close enough I can feel her breath on my skin. “Start driving.”

Keeping my fingers buried deep inside her wet heat, I whip the car out of the lot, like a demon out of hell with zero fucks given that I’m speeding. The Brigade has half the police on our payroll, anyway. I thrust deep inside her, drawing my fingers out again slowly.

“Fuck, Garrix, I need more,” she moans.

“You’ll take what I give you, you greedy little slut. Fuck, I can’t wait to get you home.”

As if the universe was waiting for me to say it, a bullet whizzes by us, lodging into the side mirror. Three black SUVs pull out from side streets, flanking our sides and boxing us in.

“We have company, get your fingers out of my pussy.” She takes a clip out of her bra, reloading her gun as she peers into the rearview mirror.

I lick my fingers before I take two extra guns out of the glovebox and set them on the center console for us. Her eyes lock on me, mouth slightly parted in awe.

“I’m not wasting a drop of you.” I wink at her, then hold the wheel with one hand as I aim out the window at one of the SUVs creeping into our blind spot. I can’t see past their tinted windows, but if they’re shooting at us, I can guess who it is.

Maddalena angles herself out the window, her left hand holding her gun and the right holding one of mine. She shoots out the front tires of the SUV on our right, causing it to spin out and collide head first into a storefront. People on the street scream, crowding around the wrecked vehicle. A gunman from the SUV behind us shoots, just missing her arm before spidering the windshield. I kill the driver with a bullet to the head. No one shoots my girl and gets away with it. Cars are honking, and a Toyota behind us swerves to miss one of the SUVs.

Fuck, we have to get out of here before someone innocent gets hurt.