Page 58 of The Fixer

“Garrix Angus Cameron…” he supplies.

The priest sniffles, then clears his throat. “Yes. Do you, Garrix Angus C-C-Cameron, take Maddelena Vettore to be your wife? To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until p-p-parted by death?”

He takes my ringed hand in his, squeezing it just tight enough to ground me. “Yes, I do.”

“Do you, Maddelena Vettore, take Garrix Angus Cameron to be your husband? To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death?”

Hearing the vows spoken aloud makes me realize how crazy fast this is. This is forever. Are we making the right decision?

“We barely know each other…” I hedge.

“Yet I had enough faith in us to save you, even when it probably chafed you to be the one being saved.” His voice changes to a high-pitched southern falsetto. “And I support your immoral, criminal ways. That’s real love.” I giggle, but he stands tall, not backing down. This crazy fuck actually wants to marry me.

“What if I don’t want to marry you?”

“Ah, but you do want to marry me. I can feel it deep in my bones, my little killer. I bet you even thought about it before. I’m not unreasonable, though, so I’ll let you pick our honeymoon.” He’s right, of course. And I can appreciate his willingness to compromise with me.

“I’m not taking your last name…”

“You can hyphenate it,” he suggests.

“How is this even happening right now?!” I huff. “Not that I’m unhappy about it. You’re sorta perfect for me…”

“No sorta about it. I am perfect for you. I fell in love with you the day you took care of that guy in the cafe. My love grew every day I stalked you after that. I know you feel it too, even if it takes you longer to admit it. Just let this happen.”

“You love me?” I whisper. My heart hammers inside my chest, and I feel weak in the knees. No man, with the exception of my brothers and Papà, has ever said he loves me.

“Love is such a weak word for how I feel about you. Obsession doesn’t quite describe it either. Know that you’ll never be able to get rid of me, and I’ll always find you,” he promises me.

“If you cheat on me, whether it’s a one-time thing or a mistress, I’m cutting your dick off and feeding it to you. Capice?”

“I’ll cut it off myself and swallow it whole. We’re ride or die, love.” His manic declaration seals the deal for me.

I turn to the priest, careful not to trip over my dress. “Fuck it. Yes!”

“You may kiss the bride,” he mumbles.

Garrix dips me down and kisses me. No one cheers. French claps a few times, but one glare from Franco cuts that short. “I think it’s time to go now, Garrix. You need to defuse that bomb before you blow my sister up, you crazy fuck!”

Garrix hauls me over his shoulder. I’m careful not to kick the bomb by accident, because I just got married. I don’t wanna blow everyone to smithereens before I have a slice of cake.

“You won’t get away with this…” Andrei, one of Artym Popov’s older sons, threatens. He’s soaked in blood on the floor, inches from death by the look of him.

A man in a hockey mask comes over and shoots him again, putting him out of his misery.

“Congrats Maddie.” Luca lifts his mask. “Still don’t know if I trust him, though…”

“I’m fine, don’t worry about me,” I assure him with a smile he most likely can’t see, since I’m just dangling from Garrix’s shoulder like a sack of potatoes. “G is really a sweetheart, even if he’s sorta psychotic sometimes.”

“I only unleash my crazy for you, lover,” he declares as he swats my ass playfully. He rushes us out of the church, followed by the rest of The Brigade.

And this is how you get rescued by, proposed to, and married to a man you fell for with a minute to spare.


“Garrix!” Maddalena slaps my lower back as we rush into the parking lot behind the church. “Put me down, you need to defuse that bomb!”

A manic laugh rips from somewhere deep within me, and I swat her ass again. I feel euphoric—like a man who’s standing on top of the world—because Maddalena Vettore-Cameron is truly mine. My wife, my forever. My partner in crime, literally.