Page 47 of The Fixer

“Aside from all the selfies of him with guns? Look at this picture.” He hands me the phone.

“A picture of him with Boris. That’s all the confirmation I need.” I turn the phone off and slip it into my pocket. Max can destroy it later.

A third car speeds down the block and parks behind us. Garrix aims his gun at the car, but I recognize the make and model—a blood red Alfa Romeo. I go back into the car for my purse. G reads my mind and gets our guns and ammo.

“That’s my cousin Rocco’s car.” Sirens wail through the streets, growing closer with every passing second. “Come on, we got to go.”

“I can’t believe they sent Rocco to get us. I haven’t seen that crazy fuck in years!” he whisper-shouts as we run to the car.

We climb in, and the scent of citrus and musk instantly makes me feel calmer.

“Hey man,” Garrix greets my cousin as he climbs into the car. “You’re our ride?”

“Yes, we are,” he confirms. “Told you I’d return the favor.”

His partner Leo is quiet, but he smiles at me over the seat. “Hey Maddie. Were either of you injured?”

“No. How did you two know to get us?” I ask, somewhat surprised.

Rocco is probably the craziest out of all the Vettore cousins. He’s definitely my late Uncle Rocco’s namesake. Now that I think of it, I’m not surprised he and Garrix are friends.

“Max shared your location with me and asked me to start following you once you started taking detours in Brooklyn. Apparently, there are Russians stationed outside the docks, and he wanted you to have some backup in case you met any on the way.”

“Smart man. Definitely my favorite of your brothers,” Garrix retorts.

“Not a fan of JC?” Rocco asks. “Leo isn’t either.”

“Yeah, because he’s an asshole. Maddie knows.” He winks at me.

I don’t want to talk about my brother, so I ask Rocco, “How do you know G?”

“G? Sweet Mary, you have a nickname for him? That’s so fucking adorable,” he jokingly coos. “Long story short, your boyfriend pissed off the wrong guy in a high stakes poker match?—”

“He just lost his Miami vacation home to me in the previous hand because of a bad bluff,” Garrix interrupts. “Sore loser.”

“That he was, friend,” my cousin continues. “And he pulled a gun and tried to shoot Garrix in the head.”

“But he was so drunk and high as fuck on angel dust that he only grazed my shoulder. Rocco shot him clean between the eyes. We played the rest of the tournament with his body just sitting there.”

They both start laughing and Leo and I look at each other, with matching yeah, that’s something they’d do expressions.

“I propped him up and put a hat on him to cover the bullet hole, and every few hands or so we’d change his arms, or make him sit differently. It was a trip,” Rocco reminisces. “And here’s to more good times, since you’re dating my cousin. By the way, if I ever find out you’re giving her a bad time, you’ll fucking regret ever knowing me.”

“Trust me, Rocco, if I ever hurt your cousin she’ll be the one disposing of me, not you.”

“Yeah, you and Maddie give off the same crazy, dangerous vibe. And you’re cute together.” Leo smiles at us. “I can see you two torturing some poor, unsuspecting soul on date night.”

I laugh, but Garrix, in a dead serious tone, says, “I did ask her to do that, actually. I promised her that once we catch this guy, we’d have a pasta and torture night.”

“That sounds like fun,” Leo comments in a suggestive tone.

Rocco rolls his eyes as we turn into the docks. “Yeah, yeah. Anything you want.”

There are so many cars parked here that we have to park further down. The dock is eerily silent, which isn’t abnormal, but something isn’t right… There’s a weird vibe, and a chill runs down my spine, making me shiver.

“You feel that, Maddie?” Leo asks, observant as always. Where Rocco barrels into situations like a raging bull, Leo waits for the perfect time to strike.

“Yeah, something is off.” I peer around the car, but don’t see anything right away. But I always trust my gut.