Page 27 of The Fixer

“Look, you fucking creep,” Max grouses. “I’m staying behind. Luca will most likely do a security check himself, and he’ll trust me if I say she’s safe and sound, sleeping. If you don’t return her in one piece, I’ll fucking gut you myself. I don’t give a flying fuck if you’re in The Brigade. I’ll paint the fucking walls red with your blood splatter and make it look like an overpriced avant guard art installation from the second coming of Andy Warhol.”

Fuck. Mr. Nerdy Man Bun can get violent. I’d expect nothing less from her twin, or any member of Nouva Notte—they’re known for being straight-up feral when it comes to la famiglia.

“Let’s get something straight. You’re going to be seeing a lot more of me, because your sister is mine. I’m never letting her go, no matter what. I promise you, I will always keep her safe with my life.”

He rolls his eyes. “Does she know any of this? My sister isn’t a doormat. She’ll fight you every step of the way.”

“I hope she does. It’s much more fun that way.”

Before he can start a pointless argument with me, she comes out to the living room. She’s in a black bodycon dress that reaches mid-thigh and sheer black stockings with seams up the back. Her black-heeled boots make her legs look a mile long, and I’m itching to run my hand up them, preferably while my mouth is between them. Her full gun holster peeks out from under her dark red leather jacket.

“Max, why aren’t you dressed?”

“Someone has to stay behind when Luca comes by. You know he’s such a fucking control freak that he’ll do a security check later tonight.”

“I guess it’s just us…” She doesn’t look too thrilled about it, but I’ll change her mind later.

Rather than asking her to drop from her balcony onto the fire escape and down eight floors in heeled boots, Max distracts the security guard and we walk down the hallway, hop onto their private elevator, and out the front door. He’ll erase the security footage for us.

“I’m hoping my brother John Carlo isn’t at Vixen tonight. He manages all of our clubs and gambling rooms, so there’s a small chance he’ll be there.” She sighs as we walk to my car. It’s parked a few blocks away, out of sight of her building.

“Is he the one who has slicked back hair and wears sunglasses? He looks like such a douchebag.”

A sharp laugh bubbles out of her before her walls slam back down. “Yeah, he is one. I’m not even going to ask how you know that. You really are a stalker.”

“I make it my business to know everything about you, little killer. It’s not stalking, it’s protecting what’s mine.”

“I’m not yours, but I’m assuming this car is?” She runs her hand over the roof of my Astin Martin DBS Superleggera Volante, giving it an appreciative once over.

I back her into the car, caging her in with my arms as I peer down at her. Burying my nose in her hair, I take a deep sniff and savor her scent—vanilla, with some floral stuff thrown in. It’s my favorite smell.

“Tell me you’re into cars?” I exclaim.

She smiles at me. “And motorcycles and boats. I don’t have quite as fancy a ride as you do, but I have a 1969 Corvette. That’s the crown jewel of my collection.”

She’s beautiful, smart, has enough ass for days, and she’s a car enthusiast? Fuck me.

I bend down and capture her mouth in a bruising, passionate kiss until we both are forced to come up for air. She pushes me away and walks around to the passenger side of the car.

“Stop wasting time, we have to find Dancing Diva,” she huffs.

She can act all put out about our kiss, but the red flush of her cheeks and the way she’s avoiding eye contact tell me everything I need to know—beneath all her resistance, she wants me.

We drive in relative silence to our first red light. I lean over the center console, bringing my lips to the sensitive shell of her ear.

“What did your father whisper to you in the living room?”

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but I have at least nine lives, so I ask all the questions I want.

“He said that when we find out who’s responsible for this bullshit, he’d let me torture and kill them myself,” she says with a grin.

“Good. That’s if he’s taken in alive. I can’t guarantee that I won’t end this bastard for fucking around with you so much.” A growl slips from me, and I can see Maddalena eyeing me in my peripheral vision.

“I know it’s tempting to shoot on sight, but try to bring him in alive. Revenge is the kind of fun that only comes around once in a while, and I don’t want to miss it.”

My dick gets hard at the thought of torturing someone with her, like a romantic criminal’s date night. “I’ll try my best.”

When we get to the club, she directs me to park around the back so her associate, Vinny, can let us in through the employee entrance. She knocks a few times, standing away from the door so he can see her through the peephole, and he opens it. He gives me an assessing once-over, then nods at me. I guess he doesn’t find me lacking. I give him a death glare as I put my hand on the small of Maddalena’s back, silently letting him know that she’s mine.