Page 102 of Saber Blade

‘I keep hearing of these so-called formidable witchers. Is there any truth to the rumours of their powers?’ the Kíríga murmured.

Kamilla nodded. ‘Their spells can be devastating when done in great numbers. They’ve fashioned themselves into a saboteur squad of true believers who want to return to the old ways, the ancient age. They regard the usurper, you, as the enemy, the outsider.’

‘Ol’ innocent me?’ Killen smirked.

Kamilla was much more sober-faced. ‘They fear what you represent.’

‘What’s that?’ The Král-In-Waiting challenged.

‘A bold new vision for Katáne.’ Kamilla told him. ‘One that will unite the people and embrace a bright, bold future that leads with tekhne once again. Rumours of your father, the Rider, and your ship and its intelligence enhancements are the talk of Kos. They also dread you will continue your grandfather’s work.’

Killen cocked his head, eyes glittering with curiosity. ‘What would that be?’

The koel tilted her head as she pulled from her memories. ‘Contrary to everything said about your grandfather, he’d begun to ease his hard stance against technology. The Kythnians had come to him in secret after he threatened to take their moon. They’d shared how ahead they were in terms of knowledge and armaments, and it scared the shit out of him. He realised that kowtowing to the Luddite arokí was taking the planet backward. So he began exploring what could be done in partnership with the Kythnians.’

What happened?’ Sana’a asked.

‘Kalila found out,’ Kamilla grimaced. She was a true believer of the arokí, but she’d always genuflected to the King, her brother, in public. But her praise didn’t fool Kesia or myself because we were privy to how she acted in private. Years in the thrall of the arokí reshaped Kalila, darkening her heart and driving her to believe in dark íkan. She funded them, raved about them, and even proselytised for them. In the view of those around her, she became unglued.

Kaxim grunted. ‘So she publicly worshipped the Okto Kíríga but in secret pursued another agenda.’

‘Naam,’ Kamilla said. ‘She also seeded a compelling story—that she controlled the King herself and was his closest confidant. Like most of Kalila’s stories, this was wild hyperbole but hypnotically powerful to the people primed to trust it.’

‘Did she? Have his ear?’ Killen growled.

‘As I said,’ Kamilla went on, ‘he listened to the Kiama, But he’d also allowed the great Känon of the land, Koreau, to set up the S’ki? Council of younger, more forward-thinking members. Some of it was starting to persuade him that avoiding advancements was holding Katáne back. She didn’t like that. So his passing is not all that much regret for her.’

Kione jerked his chin act the koel. ‘What’s her plan?’

She sighed. ‘To have the rogue K?str?l commanders, led by Kassian, vanquish the Sab?r Kainôs army so she can place her son, Kishan, as her puppet on the throne. If she intends to use dark kätu, you must be well-armed. Kíríga, your sab?r íkan kätu won’t be good enough. You’ll need the trio of axillae sab?rs.’

Kaxim started. ‘Aren’t they just legends? Old wives tales?’

Kamilla shook her head. ‘Nada, they’re not. They are the sab?rs that belonged to Khiron. It is rumoured he lifted them of Kag?an, the majestic eagle. When he died, soaring over the great skies, three of his koyas detached from his body and flew away.’

Killen fell silent for a moment, mulling her words. ‘Where to?’

‘Into the hands of the highest Känon of the land centuries ago,’ the koel told him. ‘His ancestors became their guardians, and today, Koreau, the peace giver, keeps an eye over them. He lives on the far desolate side of Katáne in a giant ash tree, where he communes with powers unknown beyond the veil. He’ll lead you to the axillae, but only after he’s tested you to prove your worth. He’s no lightweight either; second to the now deceased Kíríga, he was the most powerful eagle in the skies and represents wisdom and light. Flapping his sphinx-like wings is believed to cause the khaboob storms on the planet.’

Killen’s hawkstone throbbed, and once more came the vision of a young girl flying towards him. As did the sight of three shimmering lethal koyas aimed at his heart.

He shivered as death danced over his soul. ‘You’re sure the axillae are in the care of this man, Koreau? And if I locate him, he’ll hand them to me?’

Kamilla shrugged. ‘Only if he wills it. He does what he wants and will find you, not vice versa. Until he does, continue to immerse yourself in training.’

Just then, Kamilla leaned into Killen. ‘I need to talk with you. Alone.’

He studied her for a moment, then rose with a nod. ‘Follow me.’

Silence fell amongst the trio left behind as they observed the pair track away.

Killen led Kamilla to a quiet corner of the gardens. ‘Speak your peace.’

‘There’s one more thing you should know,’ Kamilla said, crossing her hands before her. ‘Your mother, K’Elisa, may also want to be privy to what I’m about to share.’

‘What’s that?’

‘It has to do with her mother mother’s, your grandmother, K’Etit.’