The reporters screamed and shouted as he got off his knee and kissed me. Then, before I could react or say anything else, he tugged me towards the other door, where all the reporters behind us were still going crazy.
“Prime Minister, sir, when is the wedding?”
“Is she going to become the next UK’s princess?”
“Do you think your daughter will accept her as your new wife?”
More and more reporters were shouting, but we were already walking away, vanishing through the back door.
“Spencer Banks, do you realise what you’ve just done?” someone roared.
We stopped midway. A furious Jeremy stormed towards us.
“Yes, I told the whole country that I love my nanny, and then I asked her to marry me.” He gave me a heated look. “And I’m a lucky fucker that she said yes, because for a second I wasn’t too sure if she would agree.”
“You are ruined, you buried your career. People will demand for you to resign from your position!” Jeremy shouted.
“You don't know what is going to happen to me for certain, but I decided to trust my gut,” Spencer stated. “It’s up to the public now to decide.”
Jeremy widened his eyes in shock.
“You’re making a huge mistake,” he said.
“Maybe, but it’s my mistake. I’m tired of being that guy who is constantly miserable and angry. I don’t want to be him anymore, Jeremy, and I suggest you get used to the new me.”
“And what if I don’t? Are you going to fire me?” he asked.
“No, but you have to ease off sometimes.” Spencer laughed, and then for the first time, Jeremy smiled at me.
He was relieved in a way, and I was so glad that he was willing to stand behind Spencer.
“All right, have fun, kids, and don’t do anything that I wouldn’t do,” Jeremy said and then sent us a wink.
Spencer turned around, and we walked away. I had to go with because I was still handcuffed to him.
“Slow down, you’re going to give us bruises,” I said.
All his security staff tagged behind, and I wondered what they all thought about this whole situation. Spencer stopped and looked at me.
“Sorry, shortcake, but I feel exhilarated.” He appeared flustered.
I thought it was the first time I’d seen him so out of control.
“Good, but the handcuffs have to go,” I told him. “My wrist is starting to hurt.”
“No can do, Laura. We have to go,” he said. “Come on, I need to grab our bags.”
“What do you mean? Where are we going?” I tailed him all the way to the living room.
There, he picked up a small suitcase and winked at me.
“You will see.” He smiled.
My thoughts raced when I thought about all the people who had just watched us on live TV. My phone pinged like crazy, and I didn’t even want to check it.
“No, Spencer, I’m not going anywhere until you uncuff me!” I shouted.
He chuckled.