‘Thank you. Yes, I am. Pleased to meet you too.’ Layla smiled and watched as he headed towards the door. She glanced at the clock behind her. It was only a quarter past ten and there’d been a steady stream of customers since they’d opened. What was it going to be like when it hit lunchtime? She turned to the next customer. ‘Morning, what can I get you today?’

‘Just a loaf of sourdough, please?’ The woman stepped back from the counter a little before tapping on the glass. ‘And one of your cookies, too.’

‘Coming right up.’ Layla glanced towards the end of the counter as Teresa slid a couple of trays brimming with freshly baked pasties behind the glass. ‘Ooh, they smell good.’

‘They do, don’t they?’ The woman wrinkled her nose. ‘Tell you what. I’ll leave the cookie and take one of those instead, please? Cheese and onion if you have one?’

‘I have a whole tray of cheese and onion pasties, fresh from the oven.’ Teresa indicated one of the trays she’d put down and grinned.

‘Yum.’ The woman tapped her card and thanked Layla before heading back out of the door.

‘I’m going to jump behind the coffee and cake counter for a while now. I think we’re up to date with the baking. I’ve still got the orders for the pub to make, but it’s closed until late afternoon today so I can make them in a bit.’ Teresa surveyed the counter.

‘Good idea. Things should quieten down here in a bit until the lunchtime rush, anyway.’ Diane glanced at them before turning back to her customer.

‘Right, well, let me know if anything starts to get low.’ Teresa smiled before turning towards the coffee and cake counter.

Layla nodded and looked at the next customer in line. ‘Hi, what can I get you?’

‘Is Teresa opening the coffee counter now?’ The woman nodded towards the tables behind her.

‘Yes, she is.’

‘I’ll go and get something from there then, dear. I could do with a little sit-down.’

‘Okay. Enjoy your coffee.’ Layla smiled as the woman made her way to get a coffee.

‘Hey, Graham! Have you come to see me? Did you miss your soon-to-be sister-in-law?’ Diane’s voice rose as Graham made his way to the front of the queue.

Great. Graham. Now if there was one person she’d rather not see again, it was Graham. Not after the stunt he pulled yesterday, which resulted in her turning up to her first ever day at her first-ever voluntary position soaking wet and stinking like a soggy dog. She kept her eyes fixed on the couple standing behind the counter opposite her. ‘What can I get you?’

‘Morning.’ The woman turned to her husband. ‘What would you like, Ken? Shall we get the pasties or rolls?’

As they peered at the pasties, Layla glanced across at Graham. He was leaning casually over the counter, his elbows sitting on top, his forearms splayed out. He and Diane were chatting excitedly about one thing or another. Layla glanced back at the couple, who were still engrossed in their decision-making. At least the queue had died down now.

‘Hey there, Layla, isn’t it?’

Jerking her head away from her customers again, she watched as Graham sidled along the counter until he was standing in front of her, seemingly oblivious to the couple in deep discussion about the pros and cons of eating pasties or rolls for lunch. ‘Hello.’

‘I see you’re all cleaned up then.’ Graham grinned.

‘Huh?’ Surely he wasn’t referring to the puddle incident, although the same glint in his eyes he’d had when he was trying not to laugh at her was present again.

‘After you fell in the puddle yesterday.’

Yep, what had she thought? She’d been right. ‘You mean you as good as made me fall into the puddle.’

‘Oh, I wouldn’t say that.’ He rubbed the back of his neck, a quick blush flushing across his cheeks.

Layla frowned. So, he felt a little remorse then. He sure hadn’t shown it yesterday. ‘I would.’

‘Okay, let’s change the subject. Have you any fun plans today?’

Flaring her nostrils, she looked around her. ‘I’m working.’

‘Yes, yes, of course.’ He nodded quickly.

‘And I should probably get on.’ She looked pointedly at the couple, who, after much deliberation, looked as though they were finally ready to order.