Layla nodded. She knew what Elsie meant. Every woman she knew had been dreaming of their wedding day since they were teenagers, and everyone imagines they’ll plan their big day down to the final detail months or even years ahead. ‘It must be what she wants, though.’

‘Oh yes, she and Harry were made for each other.’ Elsie grinned. ‘I just worry that she’ll be missing out on the experience, that’s all.’

Layla lowered her mug to the table. ‘She’ll still be experiencing it all, deciding and planning everything. It’ll just be over a shorter period. Yes, there may be venues that will be booked up and she might have a limited choice of dresses, but if she wants the wedding to be sooner rather than later, then that’s just one of those things.’

Elsie nodded and pulled out a stool before sitting down, the pastry momentarily forgotten.

‘Besides, I think it would be fun.’ Layla shifted position. ‘When you plan a wedding over a year or so, all decisions are spread out, I don’t know, probably with months between each part of the planning process. You know, plan the venue one month then six months later decide on the food. This way, everything is one after the other.’

Elsie nodded slowly. ‘You’re right. Diane and Harry have always been spontaneous. Since I’ve known them of course, so, yes, this might just suit them better.’

Layla grinned. She could see Elsie’s shoulders relaxing. She must have really been worrying about this.

‘I think, now you’re here, we might just be able to spare Diane a fair bit of the time too.’ Drinking the last of her coffee, Elsie stood up and washed her hands before coming back to the table and the pastry. ‘Yes, I’m not having her miss out on the experience of planning her wedding because of work.’

‘I’m happy to help wherever I can. Just point me in the right direction.’ Following Elsie’s lead, Layla downed the dregs of her coffee before carrying the now-cooled cupcakes to the table.

‘Thank you, love. I’m afraid it might get busy behind the counter sometimes though, so you might be rushed off your feet if Diane is visiting venues or wedding dress shopping with Wendy and Molly.’

‘That’s okay. To be perfectly honest, it will be nice to be busy again.’ She squeezed the icing bag and watched as a swirl of lilac icing covered the top of the first cupcake. ‘After sitting around with nothing to do for the last three months, being busy and having a purpose will be good for me.’

‘That’s settled then. I’ll let Wendy and Molly know they can arrange meetings or visits for any time of the day.’

Layla picked up another cupcake, swirling the icing on that one, too. Yes, being needed was a good feeling, a feeling she’d missed.

Chapter Four

Diane peered out of the bakery window before glancing back at Layla. ‘Are you sure Elsie’s not mentioned anything about Brooke having the day off or anything?’

‘Nope.’ Shaking her head, Layla pushed the tray of cupcakes further onto the shelf behind the glass of the counter.

‘Ah, I hope everything’s okay with her.’

‘With who?’ The kitchen door swung open, and Elsie walked through, balancing two large cakes in her hands.

‘Brooke. She’s not here yet.’ Diane glanced back towards Elsie.

‘Oh, that is strange. Hold on, I’ll see if Ian has heard from her.’ Placing the cakes on the coffee and cake counter, Elsie pulled open the door leading to the flat above. ‘Ian?’

After a minute, Ian appeared in the doorway. ‘You okay, love?’

‘Have you heard from Brooke? She’s normally here by now and she’s not been in touch.’ Elsie wrung her hands together.

‘No, I haven’t.’ Ian frowned. ‘I’ll give her a call. Check she’s all right.’

‘Thanks, love.’ Elsie nodded and watched as he lifted his phone to his ear.

Shaking his head, Ian ended the call. ‘Nothing. It went straight to the answerphone.’

‘Oh, I don’t like this.’ Elsie took Ian’s free hand in hers. ‘Give Max a ring. Hopefully he’ll pick up.’

‘I will.’ Ian lifted the phone to his ear again. ‘It’s ringing.’

‘Good, good.’

Layla tilted her head and watched as Ian turned his back slightly, talking quietly into his mobile. The closeness of the bakery team reminded her of the team spirit she’d had with her colleagues on the cruise ship. She’d never get that back, not now. The old team had dispersed, begun their separate adventures, and landed new jobs, new places to live. She, however... She pushed the thoughts away. This was her new adventure. Yes, she might only be volunteering, but she had a plan now. Even if it had taken three months of pitying herself and moping to begin it.

Ian nodded as the person at the end of the phone spoke. As soon as the conversation ended, he turned to Elsie and took her hands in his.