Stepping into the kitchen, Layla paused and looked around. This was where all the members of staff were then. Three women were standing chatting to another, who was sitting at a huge stainless-steel table in the middle of the vast kitchen. She smiled and held up her hand in a wave. ‘Hi.’

‘This is Layla, our newest volunteer.’ Elsie stood next to her and introduced the other women. ‘This is Diane who works behind the bakery counter, and Molly and Wendy who work on our wedding service. And over there is Holly, who was our last volunteer and is in the process of setting up an online craft business.’

‘Oh, wow, that sounds fun.’ Layla smiled at Holly.

‘I’ve not actually started it yet.’ Holly tucked her hair behind her ear. ‘I mean, I’ve started designing it and networking, but not actually launched it yet.’

‘It looks great so far, though.’ Diane grinned. ‘I had a sneak peek yesterday.’

Elsie walked towards the counter beneath the window and held up a kettle. ‘Would you like a coffee, Layla? I know I could do with one after the news these three have just thrown at me.’

News? Layla looked towards Diane, Wendy and Molly before turning back to Elsie. ‘A coffee would be lovely, thanks.’

‘Aw, no. You’re happy though, right?’ Diane walked across to Elsie and hugged her, laying her head against her back.

‘Of course I am, Diane.’ Turning around, Elsie hugged Diane back. ‘Although when I woke up this morning, the last thing I thought I’d get told today was that you’d decided to try to plan a wedding in a month!’

‘You’re getting married? Congratulations.’ Layla grinned and automatically looked towards Diane’s left ring finger.

‘Thanks.’ Diane held up her hand, the diamond in her engagement ring glistening under the lights of the kitchen. ‘I can’t wait. Which is why me and my fiancé, Harry, have decided not to hang about. I still can’t get used to calling him my fiancé.’

‘Haha, you’d best start practising calling him your husband if you really are going to get married next month.’ Holly laughed.

‘That’s very true.’ Diane looked at Wendy and Molly. ‘See, there are so many advantages to a quick wedding.’

Wendy raised her eyebrows. ‘Our stress levels are not one of them, though.’

‘Ah no, but, hey, you wouldn’t expect anything less of me, would you?’ Diane smiled.

‘No, that’s true!’ Wendy laughed as the kitchen door was thrown open.

Turning around, Layla scowled. It was that man again, the one who had made her fall into the puddle. Was he not content with making her look a fool by turning up here in soaking wet clothes? Had he thought he’d come by to, what? Embarrass her further. ‘Oh, not you again.’

‘Graham!’ Diane squealed and ran across to him with her arms outstretched. ‘I didn’t think you were coming yet?’

‘You know I like to surprise people.’ Graham hugged Diane back and looked over her shoulder at Layla, a grin on his face and a glint in his eye.

Pulling away from the hug, Diane turned Graham to face everyone. ‘This is Harry’s little brother, Graham.’

Layla tried to avert her eyes as everyone greeted him. At least he wasn’t working here. For a moment when Diane had run across to him, she’d thought he must work here. If he had been, she couldn’t say with honesty that she wouldn’t have walked right out of the door. Holing up in a grotty bed-and-breakfast somewhere and living off dry crackers for the next four weeks would have been easier than working alongside him.

‘Here’s your coffee, Layla.’ Elsie held out a steaming mug.

Swallowing, Layla pointed towards the door. ‘Do you mind if I grab a shower or something first, please? I got a bit wet.’

‘Of course, love. I’ll show you to your room.’ Elsie pushed open the kitchen door before calling over her shoulder. ‘We’ve got a bit busy. Shall we carry on with this conversation later, you three?’

‘Yep. I’ll go and help Brooke.’ Diane walked towards the door. ‘Come on, Graham. There’s no rest for the wicked. You can give us a hand too.’

‘Okay, boss.’ Graham slipped his holdall from his shoulder and plonked it on the floor by the wall before following Diane out of the kitchen. As he passed Layla, he grinned. ‘Hope to see you again, Layla.’

Rolling her eyes, Layla waited until he’d disappeared amongst the crowd of customers before following Elsie.

Chapter Three

Layla pulled the curtains open and opened the window, letting in a fresh gust of sea air. It was still chilly, but sometime during the night the rain had stopped, leaving a light sheen across the cobbles below.

She looked towards the ocean. Fishing boats bobbed up and down in the distance, illuminated only by the glow from the moon and the stark lights adorning them. She closed her eyes. From here, she could just about hear the rhythmic swish of the waves against the sand. After years of working at sea, it sounded like home.