‘I’m not convinced. Have you seen it? It swings right out off a cliff over the quarry below.’ Graham re-joined the line, his eyebrows knitted together.

‘I’m sure it’ll be fine. Look, that kid in front of us can’t be that old.’ Layla nodded towards a family of three, the girl standing between her parents must have been about ten and if the way she was holding their hands and jumping up and down was anything to go by she was excited, not terrified.

‘Umm, maybe.’ Graham wrapped his arms around her waist and laid his chin on her shoulder.

Leaning back into him, she placed her hands over his. ‘So, what did you think of the zip wire? Honestly? Would you go on it again?’

‘Umm, now that’s a question.’

She smiled. She could feel his breath against her cheek as he spoke.

‘Yes, I would. Yes, it was absolutely terrifying but exhilarating at the same time.’ Graham nodded. ‘Yes, exhilarating is the word.’

‘Glad you enjoyed it.’ Layla grinned. When she’d chosen Adrenaline Quarry for their first date, she’d checked with him again and again and he’d assured her he’d enjoy it, so she was relieved to hear he actually had.

‘Besides, we’ll never forget our first date together.’ Graham chuckled as they stepped forward in the queue. ‘And it looks as though we’re up next. No time to back out now.’

Layla laughed. ‘We can back out. Just say the word.’

‘Nope. Not a chance. If it’s anything like the zip wire, it’ll be worth the fear.’ Unwrapping his arms from her waist, he gently turned her to face him. ‘I’m glad we met each other.’

‘Me too.’ It still felt surreal. Especially when she first thought back to that first meeting on her way to Elsie’s bakery. She’d never have predicted they’d be feeling this way about each other then. ‘I must admit, I honestly didn’t think we’d end up being friends, let alone anything else after the puddle incident.’

‘Ha, nor me. I definitely thought I’d burnt my bridges with that one.’ He cupped her cheek. ‘I’m glad I hadn’t, though.’

‘Me too.’ She grinned.

‘Morning. Are you two ready?’ The instructor waved them forward.

‘As ready as we’ll ever be.’ Graham grimaced.

‘That’s what they all say. You’ll enjoy it. I promise.’ The instructor, Doug, according to his badge, began talking them through the safety instructions before helping them get into position.

With their safety harnesses on and the swing in position, Layla looked across at Graham. ‘What are we doing?’

‘I’m not too sure.’ He glanced back at Doug. ‘I think we may be too late to back out now, though.’

‘Yep.’ She gritted her teeth.

Reaching across, he gripped her hand against the bar in front. ‘Just think, we can tell our kids and grandkids about his one day...’

As the swing left its position, Layla looked across at Graham. His jaw was set and his eyes forward, his grasp over her hand a little tighter. She grinned. The swing picked up speed as it flew across the edge of the quarry, the brilliant blue water below surrounded by the greenery clinging to the cliffs of the vast manmade lake. She felt the cold air against her face; the wind whipping her hair back.

With the giant finally swing slowing, she looked across at Graham and shouted, ‘So, what did you think?’

‘I think exhilarating is the only word I can splutter after that.’ He grinned.

Layla laughed. ‘It was definitely exhilarating!’

‘And certainly more memorable than a dinner date.’ Graham chuckled.

After staggering off the swing and thanking the instructor, Graham turned to face the quarry. ‘It’s crazy to think we’ve just basically flown across there, isn’t it? Trusting some ropes and wires.’

‘It is, really.’ Layla stood next to him and wrapped her arm around his waist. For the first time since she’d arrived in Cornwall, the skies were clear and the air crisp, not a rain cloud in sight. ‘What shall we do on our second date, then?’

‘Huh, I’m not too sure. Maybe we could go for the traditional sit-down meal for two.’ Graham glanced at his feet. ‘Keep our feet firmly on the ground for a change.’

Throwing her head back, Layla laughed. ‘Sounds good.’