‘Okay. We’ll be a moment, anyway.’ Disappearing back into the bakery, Diane let the door swing shut again.

Just before they reached the door, Layla stopped, pulling him back. ‘It’s official then?’

‘It looks that way. As long as you want it to be?’ Graham shuffled on his feet.

‘Of course I do.’ She grinned and kissed him before pushing the door open.

Chapter Fifteen

‘Awhole day away from the bakery. It feels strange not being able to smell the bread and cakes baking.’ Layla leaned back against the passenger car seat.

‘Haha, I know what you mean. I feel as though I’ve been living and breathing that place since arriving in Penworth Bay. It’ll take all I’ve got not to ask someone if they want a jam or a custard doughnut.’ Graham glanced across at her before focusing on the road ahead again.

‘I love working there, though. It’ll feel strange leaving.’

‘You’ve still got a while.’

‘I know. It’s odd though, I feel like I’ve known Elsie, Ian, Diane and everyone else for years, not just a week or so.’ She ran her fingers across the glass of the window, following a trail of raindrops streaming down.

‘We were talking about when Diane and Harry first met, which was shortly after she started volunteering at Elsie’s and she was saying the same thing, that she felt at home there almost straight away. I guess she’s got a knack for making people feel welcome, Elsie, I mean.’

‘Yes, I guess you’re right.’ Layla smiled. ‘Anyway, do you think the rain is actually going to stop before we get to our first official date location?’

‘Umm...’ Graham peered up at the sky. ‘Maybe not.’

‘Oh well, I’m sure we’ll still have fun. I’m guessing it must still be open with the weather being as it is or else we wouldn’t have been able to book tickets?’ She looked across at him. ‘That sounds weird, doesn’t it? Our first official date?’

‘It sure does. It feels as though I’ve known you much longer than I have.’ He reached over and took her hand, resting it on the gear stick as he covered it with his.

‘Same here.’ She did. Her parents had rung her yesterday, on a group call just as they had done for years, and she’d told them about Graham. It had felt so right to speak to them about him and yet it had occurred to her more than once that she’d never told them about her love life until she’d been in a relationship a good few months, and yet, it had felt like the most natural conversation in the world to speak about him to them last night.

‘And yes, I think it’ll be fine with the rain. It’s not too bad.’

‘Nope, it’s not.’ She grinned as he changed gears, her hand still beneath his. That’s what she’d missed about being in a relationship – the little things, the small gestures of connection.

‘Here we are, Adrenalin Quarry.’ They made their way slowly past the bright yellow and black signs into the carpark.

‘Remind me why I ever agreed to this?’ Layla laughed.

‘Haha, because a near-death experience will bring us even closer together?’ Graham chuckled as he pulled the handbrake up.

‘That wasn’t quite the answer I was looking for and certainly hasn’t gone far to quell the fear.’ Layla laughed. ‘Nah, it’ll be great. I love stuff like this, although I’ve not done anything like it for ages.’

‘Me neither.’ Graham grimaced. ‘In fact, I’ve not been on a zip wire since I was a kid in a swing park.’

‘You’ve not been on one of the big ones before?’ She looked across at him, raising her eyebrows.

‘Nope, so this is all new to me.’ He walked around to the passenger side and opened her door.

‘Thanks.’ Picking her bag up from the floor of the car, she stepped outside and looked up at the sky. The clouds were clearing, the sun winning the battle. ‘Well, hopefully you’ll enjoy it.’

‘I’ll either love it or be completely terrified. One or the other.’ Graham took her hand as they made their way across the car park.

‘Haha, one or the other.’ She shook her head. ‘Let’s just hope you enjoy it.’

‘THIS HAS SURELY GOT to be a little better than the zip wire?’ Graham stepped out of the short queue a little and peered ahead. ‘Less terrifying?’

‘Umm... maybe.’ Layla grinned. She was still buzzing from the adrenaline after going on the zip wire.