‘That’s pretty cool. What’s wrong with that?’ Graham leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

‘Absolutely nothing if I had any talent.’ Layla laughed again. ‘I remember after the first topic we had to display all our pieces and take some time to look around the room at other people’s. I can still remember the exact moment that I realised it wasn’t for me, that I didn’t have half the talent everyone else had. I was looking at an oil painting a girl called Kelly had painted. It was beautiful, so realistic even down to the tiniest detail. I then turned to mine and walked up to the teacher to tell her I was quitting.’

‘I’m sure you weren’t that bad. You couldn’t have been if you were accepted onto the course. You’d have had to have shown a portfolio, surely?’

‘Yep, I had. But I don’t know whether it had really been that I was as rubbish as I’d thought or whether it had just been something inside me telling me that path wasn’t for me. I’m not sure.’

‘So, then you jumped on a cruise ship?’

‘Pretty much. I’d secured the job and left the following month. I’d only planned on doing the job for a year, but I enjoyed it so much I just kept agreeing to the contract renewal.’

‘It must have been an amazing experience, travelling around the world.’

‘It was. I got along with my crew members. We were like a little family really as we spent every waking moment together, and I got to see some amazing places.’ She smiled. It had been fantastic. A dream come true. Yes, there had been the initial pangs of homesickness and when there were any disagreements between crew members it had been difficult, even if it hadn’t involved her directly. With all of them working, living and sharing quarters together, it had had its tricky moments, but on the whole, it had been a wonderful experience.

‘Do you think you’ll set sail again?’ His fingers momentarily paused, his hands still on her shoulders.

‘No. Like I said yesterday, it was fantastic whilst it lasted, but it’s time for me to move on now, to find a base, someplace I can call home and a stable job.’ Yes, she was ready to carve out a little piece of this world for herself. She grinned as she could almost hear the audible sigh of relief escape his lips before he continued the massage.

As the bakery door opened with the tinkle of the bell, they both jerked their heads towards Diane, Harry, Molly, and Wendy as they filed through. Layla felt Graham’s touch lift, and she glanced at him. ‘Thank you.’

After closing the door, Diane paused and raised her eyebrows towards Graham and Layla. ‘Sorry, are we disturbing something?’

Layla swallowed, the heat of embarrassment coursing across her face. ‘I hurt my shoulder.’

‘Ah, that’s one thing my little brother is the best at, massages, isn’t it, Graham buddy?’ Harry walked towards them and patted Graham on the back before drawing him into a hug.

The kitchen door swung open, and Elsie and Teresa hurried towards them.

‘Go on, then. Don’t keep us in suspense. Have you chosen your venue?’ Elsie held her arms out.

‘We have.’ Diane grinned before looking at the floor. ‘There’s just one slight, tiny, tiny, miniature issue...’

‘Oh dear, it’s not available until next year or something, is it?’ Elsie shook her head sadly. ‘Didn’t I warn you that you were cutting it fine?’

‘It’s not that.’ Diane looked up, meeting Elsie’s gaze, and grinned. ‘The only time they have available until next spring is...’

‘When? When is it?’ Elsie looked from Diane to Harry, Molly and then Wendy.

‘Hey, I’m not saying. This is Diane and Harry’s news.’ Wendy grimaced.

‘Well?’ Elsie looked at Diane and Harry again.

Diane took in a huge lungful of air before exhaling quickly. ‘Next Thursday.’

Holding her hands up against her cheeks, the colour faded from Elsie’s face. ‘Thursday? As in the Thursday which is in next week?’

‘That’s the one. But it’s fine. We have it all under control, don’t we?’ Diane looked towards Wendy and Molly for backup.

‘I wouldn’t say we can relax and enjoy the journey just yet.’ Wendy frowned and held up her hand, ticking off the list with her fingers. ‘We still have the cake to decide upon, the food, the decorations, the page boys and flowers girl outfits...’

‘Oh yes, I haven’t told you, have I?’ Diane clapped her hands. ‘We’ve asked Hudson, Ruben and Toby to be page boys and Pippa and little Bonnie to be flower girls. Obviously, Daisy will have to walk down the aisle with Bonnie, but...’

‘Hold on. Sorry, Diane, that’s wonderful news, but let me just get this straight in my head for a moment.’ Elsie held her hand up, palm forward. ‘You and Harry are getting married in, what? Eight days and you still have a whole long list of preparations to make?’

Diane glanced down at the floor and spoke quietly. ‘Yes.’

‘Okay, okay. Well, in that case, let’s get a couple of these tables pushed together and I’ll go and get us something sweet to eat. Wendy and Molly, you go and get paper, pens, whatever you use for planning, and we’ll make a list of what needs to be done and start ticking things off.’ Elsie rubbed her hands together before disappearing back through into the kitchen.