‘Oh, you know, reminiscing about our adventure at the market yesterday.’ Graham nodded in thanks as he took his mug.

Diane raised her eyebrows and spoke, her voice laced with sarcasm, ‘Markets can be exciting like that.’

‘Thanks.’ Taking her mug, Layla mumbled as she brought the mug to her lips before looking towards the door as the bell above tinkled.

‘Harry!’ Diane set her mug back down on the tray and ran towards him, drawing him in for a hug.

‘Hi, Diane.’ Harry looked across at Graham. ‘How’s my little brother doing? Not creating havoc, I hope.’

Diane laughed as she took Harry’s hand and led him across to the counter. ‘Not at all. He’s being very helpful, actually. Harry, meet Layla, our latest volunteer.’

‘Morning, Layla. Here to make Penworth Bay your home, are you?’ Harry held his hand out to her.

Taking his hand, Layla frowned. ‘Oh, I’m only here for a few weeks.’

‘That’s what they all say.’ Grinning, Harry picked up Diane’s coffee mug. ‘Is this yours?’

‘Yes.’ Diane rolled her eyes as Harry took a gulp. ‘Not that it means anything to you, anyway.’

‘Says the person who drank my entire hot chocolate last night.’ Harry chuckled and passed Diane the mug. ‘At least I left you some.’

‘Haha, thanks. Well, you know what they say, once married, what is mine is mine and what is yours is mine too.’ Diane laughed and downed the dregs of the coffee.

Harry grinned before checking the time. ‘We’d best get a wriggle on if we’re going to get there on time.’

Diane slipped her apron off as Graham passed her coat across the counter before taking the apron. ‘See you later.’

‘Bye and good luck!’ Layla watched as they left the bakery before turning to Graham. ‘What did your brother mean by me making Penworth Bay my home?’

‘I’m not sure. He has a bit of a running joke about Elsie’s volunteers moving to the bay, so that’s probably what he meant.’ Graham shrugged.

‘Oh, you mean because Diane started off as a volunteer?’ Layla looked at him.

‘Yes, and some others have done the same.’ Graham turned to face her and took her hands in his. ‘We need to talk about yesterday...’

‘Yes, we do.’ She drew her hands away from him as the bell above the door tinkled to announce the arrival of two people.

‘Brooke, Max. What are you two doing here?’ Teresa rushed over to them and drew them both into a hug.

Layla looked across the bakery. The woman, Brooke, had her arm in plaster, her coat draped across her shoulder, whilst Max had a large gash on his forehead.

The kitchen door swung open as Elsie stepped through carrying a tray full of rolls. She stopped in the doorway as she spotted Brooke and Max before hurrying to the counter and dropping the tray to the surface with a clatter. ‘What on earth are you two doing here? You should be at home in the warm, not running around the bay.’

‘We’re okay, Elsie. We’re both feeling much better today.’ Brooke drew Elsie into a hug, leaning her head against Elsie’s shoulder.

‘The nurse at the hospital told you to rest. This isn’t resting.’ Elsie turned to Max and hugged him too. ‘But now that you’re here, let me pack up some lunch for you both. Pasties and cakes?’

‘Yes, please. That sounds lovely.’ Brooke nodded. ‘Thank you so much for yesterday. It really meant so much that you and Ian came to help us.’

‘Don’t be daft. Wild horses wouldn’t have kept us away.’ Elsie waved Brooke’s thanks away with her hand.

‘Come and sit down. I’ll bring some coffee over. You too, Elsie.’ Teresa indicated the table by the window.

‘Thanks, love.’ Elsie placed her hand on Teresa’s forearm before leading the way to the table. Before taking a seat, she slapped her forehead. ‘I’m so sorry, loves, I’ve not introduced you to our new volunteer, Layla, and Diane’s brother, Graham. Layla, Graham, this is Brooke and Max.’

‘Hi, lovely to meet you both.’ Brooke smiled across the bakery at them.

‘Great to meet you.’ Max held his hand up.